The Walking Dead ep. 6: TS-19

It’s season finale time! Cana joins me once more to recap TS-19, where Shane is salty as all get out that Rick’s idea panned out. For a night. And it takes everyone way too long to figure out what happens when the clock gets to 00:00:00.

He saltyyyy!

He saltyyyy!



“The thing that bugs me the most about Lori, and this is so petty, is her hair. It’s like, it’s the zombie apocalypse: why do you have long ass hair and bangs? Like, you need to keep it short. Like Carol, at least, or at least like Andrea. It could get caught on a branch or a zombie could snatch it.”-Cana

“T-Dog swears he still made [the eggs] taste good. Why do I feel like T-Dog might’ve worked at IHOP?”-Me

“I wouldn’t have tried to save [Dale]. I would’ve been like okay we dyin’ together.”-Cana

The Walking Dead ep. 5: Wildfire

Cana joins me to recap Wildfire, and I am supremely in my feelings because Lori and Shane are doubting the hell out of Rick’s instinct/ideas.

Amazing scene

Amazing scene



“When you look at this versus how Rick and Michonne interact with each other: they don’t even have to use words.”-Cana

“Lori doesn’t support him, which makes it hard for him to be sure of what he wants. Which is one of the problems with Lori and Rick in terms of Rick being a leader. He could never [reach] his full potential as a leader as long as the person he trusted the most, well two of the people he trusted the most, but especially Lori, his wife, was always [….] He couldn’t trust himself as long as Lori was there. Because she would always say the opposite of what his idea was.”-Me

“[Rick] totally upgraded his life, yo. He got a new brother and a new wife.”-Cana

Sleepy Hollow 1:03: “I see you, and I’m NOT afraid anymore!”

Guest: Cana

All I wanna do is dreaaaam. Dream, dream, dream, dream, dreeeaaaam. The Sandman is out to punish people, and Abbie is on his list! Abbie has to face one mistake from her past in order to survive, and Ichabod has her back all the way. He even uses the power of his  thirst to somehow merge himself into Abbie’s dream. Stopping the Sandman includes Ichy paying a visit to Jenny to let her know that there are now two people who believe her.

Episode 3: For the Triumph of Evil

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Scandal 2.20: A Woman Scorned

Scandal 2.20

In this episode, Fitz tries to call Mellie’s bluff except she’s not playing. She outs his affair to the press. Cyrus is stressed, James gets a new job, and Olivia is doing typical Olivia things like letting herself be “earned” in 22 minutes and calling people who disrespect her her best friend. Jake is an absolute pleasure and B613’s lead guy continues to make a nuisance of himself.

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Scandal 2.19: Seven Fifty-Two

Scandal 2.19

In this episode, we see how Huck became involved with B613 and why being put in a box broke his psyche for a bit. We learn that he had a family he was made to forget – a wife and child – and that Charlie might not be as bad we’d thought. Meanwhile, Fitz is demanding Olivia’s forgiveness and another chance. Cyrus is trying to have Liv killed, and Mellie is contemplating her next desperate move to bring Fitz back into the fold. After four monologues, only one of which was completely focused on what Huck actually needed, he is able to pull out of his breakdown.

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Scandal 2.18: Molly, you in danger, girl

Over the Top, Trifling Messes

In this episode, Olivia is unexpectedly terrified and erratic. She finds out about Jake and this leads to a physical altercation. Cyrus attempts to manipulate James into forgiving him. Fitz continues to be a bully who stalks and belittles his significant others. David could possible be in training to be the next Fitz, learning how best to pull someone in before you stomp on their hopes and dreams. Quinn is finally allowed to show that she’s got a brain and Cyrus is possibly the mole.

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Scandal 2.17: Snake in the Garden

Scandal 2.17

In this episode, Olivia takes Hollis Doyle on as her client when his daughter is “kidnapped.” She continues to struggle to move on as Fitz remains broken and Jake tries to win her affections. Mellie and Cyrus are at odds while Huck and Quinn are bonding over their mutual disregard for conventional hobbies and other people’s privacy. David is irrelevant but Shonda makes sure to give us yet another reason to be suspicious of Jake.

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