Fear the Walking Dead #1: Pilot

Fear the Walking Dead starts with a Hmmm. While Nick and Alisha both had a standout moment, we barely see it for Maddie, and we’re hoping Travis becomes more than someone who supports Maddie. Soon.



“As a whole, finding out the premise, and okay this is all beginning and what’s going to come of it now? I feel like The Walking Dead already did that by having us find the doctor in his lab, having us realize that this is a virus that, if you die, you just get it. So I don’t think this can teach us anything different.”-Sabrina

“I feel like we got more on her, Maddie, because her two kids are main characters, and Alisha made that comment about she makes bad decisions all the time. I feel like we got more on her than we did on Travis.”-Alta

One thought on “Fear the Walking Dead #1: Pilot

  1. I’m telling you guys that you should just watch the webisodes. I told Alta to watch it but she wouldn’t without rick but she also was unconvinced to watch the walking dead so … #shade

    I love the one episode per person idea.

    Jaqui and f***ing dale.

    “No body looks like they can act.” omg lol

    Yo that scene in the church reminded me of sense8.

    real talk I don’t care about these characters. It was supposed to be a blended family but why did it have to be blended with white. Or maybe it was because there there weren’t really any WOC on the show and I couldn’t connect.

    I didn’t know nick was white?!? I thought he was idk latin@ or something. Latin/white. -_- w/e

    Carl had an attidue had before his mama died he was talking back to her.

    rick stan = alta

    Good zombie/undead movies are always about the people never really about the situation. The situation heightens reactions of the people and gosh I love that so we can get to the meat of a character.

Flail or vent