Extra Podcast! TwitterGate: Matt Davis and Julie Plec Edition.

In this extra episode, I talk about the TwitterGate scandal (lol). Julie Plec snaps, Matt Davis attempts a rescue and fails, but learns lessons, Cadlymack makes a special guest appearance,  and I’m scared for Bonnie. To summarize: best episode of the season. Go home, Oak Tree arc. You ain’t got nothin’ on  this.

Extra! TwitterGate-Matt Davis and Julie Plec Edition

Posted on March 19th, the night of TwitterGate:

Here’s a separate post for it. I’m catching up and currently writing a rant that I’ll post here.


Julie. Can’t she just flat out say she doesn’t like Bonnie or writing for her and that it pains her to even picture her being wanted in a serious manner by any attractive White dude? She makes me sick. And then her cronies will say shit like, “I’m sure there are great things coming for Bonnie! I think there’s something big coming!” Like wake the fuck up, it’s been three damn seasons. Bonnie’s too beautiful and strong for murderous vampires (not that I shipped Kennett or Klonnie, but I probably could have if her ass had even given a sign that she was half-ass interested like she did for Beremy), BUT ELENA AND CAROLINE’S STORIES ARE ABOUT HOW STRONG THEY ARE AND THEY’RE TOO SMART TO FALL FOR LAME ASS FLIRTING VAMPIRES AND YET THEY FALL ANYWAY! Why can’t she just admit it? She can’t stop using the Salvatores to torture Elena’s ass while simultaneously chaining her to them. Caroline. Let’s not even talk about Caroline and the bullshit nonsense that is Klaus wishing he could conjure up a pony for her since she likes horses. But conveniently Bonnie’s too strong and beautiful to even be FLIRTED with by a vampire. Like she doesn’t even have to fall. I’ve seen both Klonnie and Kennett fans say they don’t necessarily need Bonnie to reciprocate. But not only is Bonnie too beautiful and strong to fall, and this is the downright GORGEOUS part of her logic, she doesn’t even get the OPTION to fall because Kol and Klaus and whoever the fuck else JP can manage to NOT pair with Bonnie (unless he’s Black and severely under-developed) just so happen to be simultaneously repelled by her beauty and toughness and fucking fierceness (JP’s favorite adjective to describe Bonnie). That’s why Klaus just HAPPENS to be a dumbass who’s never thought to try to sway Bonnie to his side. Anything to keep him away from Bonnie and to keep people from getting ideas.

Also? Thanks, JP. You pretty much just told me how this Abby storyline is going to go. You killed her for fuck all. I mean it’s not like you’ve managed to do justice to Bonnie’s story as an individual to at least DISGUISE the fact that you’re allergic to writing guys liking and flirting with her. It’s not like you showed an iota of interest in developing their mother-daughter relationship, or showing Emily’s perspective in 1864, or Lucy, or Ayanna, OR THE WITCH MYTHOLOGY!

Thanks, Julie Plec. Thank you.

More Edit:

And here’s the thing. We all know ignorance can be a complex thing. If anyone didn’t know, now you know.

So we might still get Bamon or Bonnie/Vamp or Bonnie/White guy. JP might still give it to us in season 8. But how much would she, in her pettiness, fuck Bonnie’s character up to make it happen? Even if it wasn’t necessary. Would she be able to help it? Because it’s looking increasingly like she just can’t help herself when it comes to her disdain for Bonnie and her fans (no matter what they ship).

161 thoughts on “Extra Podcast! TwitterGate: Matt Davis and Julie Plec Edition.

    • It’s like the more minutes that go by, the more upset I get. I remember when said Jaime was “still out there looking yummy.” Please. She probably thinks Rober Ri’chard is ugly as fuck.

      And all that shit with how Stefan spoke to Bonnie, and then there was Damon, the fucked upness of the Bonnie/Elena friendship, like THANK YOU for showing your ass, Julie. I bet another thing Bonnie’s too strong and beautiful for is a best friend who’d even reciprocate and do half the things Bon does for her. Which is why in ep 16 we got Elena explaining why she’s sticking with the Sals despite what they did to Bonnie. Awesome.

      • Please. She probably thinks Rober Ri’chard is ugly as fuck.

        opp julie said that? bet she likes his eyes. bet he’s cute for a black guy … >_>

        YES! I’m so happy she came out! FUCK YES! She tried to run back into the closet, but we took pictures lol and the flash of that camera was blinding. I am not surprised. I’m happy she got caught with her knickers around her ankles. I feel vindicated.

        Bonnie’s too STRONG to abandon Elena because she’s a great friend who know’s her peace … I mean duties!

        gurl doesn’t even let it bother you. just take peace in the fact now that you know and Julie knows she’s wrong because she’s back tracking and deleting things.

        And just resign that the character of Bonnie it too good for her and beyond her and that’s why we are claiming her. And Kat makes it easier. I bet julie gnashes her teeth at the face that Kat makes Bonnie so damn good despite the why julie sabotages her.

        • She didn’t say that, but I’m guessing by the amount of interest she’s bound to show in him.

          I’m just wondering if Julie’s interested in anything regarding Bonnie. We know her love life is a no go. How about her magic? Look at the mess that is this season. Everything’s “tricky,” and she can’t do it, and she can’t hide four Originals, and she doesn’t think her tracking spells will work, and she won’t defend herself against Stefan. What about her lineage? Elena’s asking questions and getting to know Samantha Gilbert, but Bonnie hasn’t asked Abby questions, let alone asked questions about Ayanna. Remember back when she asked Sheila questions about their family? What about her connection to the town? What about her friendships with Elena and/or Caroline. Anything? Julie? Beuller?

          With her comments, I’m wondering why Bonnie fans are supposed to be watching. Like, what’s in it for us? She never gets on interviews to gush about Bonnie or Kat the way she does Candice/Caroline and Elena/Nina. Does she even care? Does she even pay attention to what she writes for Bonnie? Am I really supposed to feel taken cared of knowing my favorite character is in the hands of this woman and her team?


            Lets just steal Bonnie and let her tell us her story through fan fiction. Julie doesn’t know what to do with black Bonnie.

  1. I just wanted to ask something before I got to bed … in the article in which it was confirmed that Jamie is going to be the love interest for Bonnie, they said Abby adopted him. Is this true, because if it is … then Bonnie and Jamie are related even if they aren´t related by blood but by law and that would make any romantic rl between them illegal … at least in my country.

    • I don’t think they meant adopted as in legal adoption. But if it turns out they are, then I will question Julie Plec’s logic more than I’ve already been doing. Some people were already speculating that he has Abby’s last name.

      Like someone said on Tumblr, no one forced her to make it so that Jaime was raised by Abby. She decided that all on her own (because she couldn’t have two unrelated Black people show up at the same time?). The person said Jaime could’ve been the new guy at school who saw Bonnie and she made his head turn. There were plenty of options, but she went for this one. Why? Because she doesn’t really care, that’s why.

  2. All I can say about this is wow wow wow. I couldn’t believe her tweets. I agree that her disdain or complete disinterest in Bonnie’s character and her fans has never been so obvious. I believe that JP’s sees Bonnie’s character no different than the witches were seen in 1864. She’s there to serve, that is her primary role. Sure they’ll throw in some random pointless love interests or story-lines here and there, but don’t actually believe for a second that it’ll actually go anywhere. Don’t even think for a second that those things will be used to actually further Bonnie’s character along. The show’s two precious gems apparently are Elena and Caroline. They’re the only girls in town who have vampires and Originals alike fawning over them for who knows what reason. Bonnie despite being just as gorgeous as those two, with a good head on her shoulders gets noticed by no one. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and subjective and all but I honestly think KG is arguably the most gorgeous of the female cast, followed closely by Nina Dobrev. Don’t get me wrong Candace is pretty too, but IMO nothing about her particularly stands out like the other two. So I will forever be confused as to why the show continues to portray Bonnie as if she’s unattractive or undesirable.

    Julie’s replies not only show how little she values Bonnie, but how little she actually values her fans. She comes off rather agitated and hostile, perhaps that’s why she deleted the tweets. I know she gets a lot of SE/DE fans ranting and raving to her daily, and her replies to them aren’t that rude. Goes to show who she values.

    For the record I don’t even ship Bonnie/Kol or Bonnie/Klaus. Truthfully I don’t ship Bonnie with anyone on this show as I don’t think the writers have ever given Bonnie a satisfying romantic interest or any potential for one. All of her relationships are passionless and uninspiring, and IMO it’s done on purpose. I think Jeremy and Bonnie had some potential if they didn’t treat it like some kid relationship, perhaps that’s what it was to them. Even in season 1 Jeremy and Anna had a more passionate relationship, so the problem is not the choice of guy, it’s with the writing. I don’t think we’ll ever get any proper relationship with Bonnie. Nor do I think we’ll ever get to see Bonnie properly kiss someone, nor will they ever show her in any light that might even resemble something sexy, so you can forget a Bonnie love scene. It’s not happening…not on this show, because Bonnie is not considered sexy. If Bonnie ever does sleep with someone, it will be off-screen and we’ll just hear about it in the next episode. All the passionate and sexy stuff is reserved for Elena and Caroline, as they are the show’s gems.

    • I agree that her disdain or complete disinterest in Bonnie’s character and her fans has never been so obvious.

      Maybe people have mentioned it, and I’m seeing it now: she never snaps at Delena fans like this. And I mean snap. And in season 1 they were the rudest ones. But something about Bonnie fans getting frustrated or/and rude gets to her.

      I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and subjective and all but I honestly think KG is arguably the most gorgeous of the female cast, followed closely by Nina Dobrev.

      I completely angry. Candice is pretty, but she also looks more than a little generic. KG is stunning, followed by Nina.

      With you mentioning Elena and Caroline being the precious gems, I know many people have said Elena and Caroline are JP’s wish fulfillment tools. I’m not gonna comment on that, but my friend was asking if JP just can’t fathom that Black girls have wish fulfillment fantasies too (and of course non-Black girls can have wish fulfillment fantasies through Bonnie too, but that’s not the conversation I’m having). Like, does she just not believe Black girls would want to see a Black character with a vamp?

      I think the fact that she deleted every single one of her replies, not even leaving one, is worse. It says a lot to me.

      I don’t ship Bonnie/Kol or Bonnie/Klaus either. Or Bonnie/Damon. And thanks to Julie Plec’s views and logic, I’ll never have to worry about even learning to like them (again, in Bamon’s case). That’s the part that gets me. The option is just totally not there.

      Oh you just know Bonnie’s love scene (with Jaime of coure) will be fade to black, and we’ll get Caroline and Elena talking about it in the next episode because it will just so happen that Bonnie is missing it. Or Elena will be raving about Damon and Bonnie won’t get in a word because she doesn’t want to interrupt her.

      If you’ve seen Kat in other stuff, even in interviews, heck even in Bonnie/Jeremy or Bonnie/Luka or Bonnie/Damon scenes, then you know she can bring the sexy face. She’s beautiful to Julie Plec. It just so happens that she can’t picture any of the guys she finds attractive finding Bonnie attractive when Elena and Caroline are standing right there. And Anna came back, so how could Jeremy resist?

  3. Instead of telling the fan(s) that Jaime will surprise us, in essence instead of trying to sell Jaime to us since people aren’t liking him, she decides to say, “Why would you want Bonnie with Kol?” Which again makes me question if she has anything in store for him. She’s the one who introduced him in one episode and then had him disappear for like four + a hiatus. She didn’t leave us with anything that would stick. All we had was that Abby raised him. What did she think was going to happen? Literally all we have was that he and Bonnie basically share a mother. And now it bugs her when people call him her brother? What else did you leave us with, Julie? Tell me. Maybe it was symbolism and it flew over my head.

  4. I agree she should have at least try to sell the Jaime character to the fans, but Bonnie fans don’t even get that. Which pretty much means that even JP knows that the Jaime character like most of Bonnie’s other love interests is nothing special, and will probably die or disappear within a few episodes. Basically another disappointment. She knows that this relationship is about to be as passionless and dull as the others. Apparently passion is only reserved for Elena and Caroline.

    They will never pair Bonnie with one of their dynamic male characters, you know like give her some good conflict that will shake the character to the core. It seems they’re more interested in keeping Bonnie in a little box, while the other two girls get to explore different relationships, and deal with all kinds of interesting moral conflicts in regards to who they love. Bonnie is not allowed that though, apparently she’s too moral for a vampire love interest. While I agree that Bonnie has morals, I don’t find her all that much morally superior than the other two girls. She has her beliefs of course and being a witch gives her some values that maybe Elena or Caroline might not have but Bonnie’s committed some morally questionable acts as well. So I don’t know why they’re making her seem as if she’s this buttoned down, nun of a character. After-all these girls are just teenagers anyway. Confused and alone, and every aspect of life should be a learning experience. So why is Bonnie not allowed that. If I recall correctly Bonnie was getting drunk at parties when the show first started (back before they started neglecting her) so I can’t buy this whole moral thing that JP is selling. Deep down she’s still a teenage girl, let her explore!

    But let’s just say Bonnie was so morally superior. Wouldn’t it be far more interesting to pair her up with someone that could really shake up her world and challenge her views on things. Why always pair her up with the safe nice guy (which usually means dull)? While I don’t ship Bonnie with anyone in particular, I would love to see her explored with a dynamic character, someone different from her, who may not have the same beliefs as her. Someone who could really challenge her in every way. Maybe teach her a thing or two. I don’t want to see Bonnie being paired with these random and pointless guess stars with no personality. They may think they’re appeasing us Bonnie fans but really, I’m just annoyed.

    And about Jaime. I’m just dreading that. And what else are we to think about him other than eww he’s kind of her brother. Her mom raised him for god sakes! I would think Bonnie would hold resentment if anything else towards him.. I wouldn’t believe for a second that she’d be interested in him romantically. But you know on this show every black guy is a love interest of Bonnie’s even when it makes no sense. *eyeroll*

    • but Bonnie’s committed some morally questionable acts as well.

      Thank you! Bonnie has a dark and violent streak. It showed up multiple times in season 2, and it made sense. That’s why I’ll barely be able to buy her not even hurting Stefan. This is the same girl who snapped and almost killed Damon, right? The one who was at least partially vengeful against Luka when she was invading his mind? The one who stood up against Lucy and was ready to wipe the floor with her? Has her tolerance for pain and suffering magically increased? Bonnie is not a goody two-shows despite what the Fandom, and now JP, is saying. I remember complaining on the podcast about how JP gave a special interview about going dark when Bonnie had been doing that for two seasons already. Now the question is, does JP even recognize that Bonnie’s been changing? Does it register to her that Bonnie’s done some things that she probably never envisioned herself doing? I found that interview suspect and I voiced it, and now her tweets are just cementing things for me. She’s not surprising me. I just can’t believe all of this is happening. This is usually the type of stuff that goes down between fans, not crews of the show and fans.

      Wouldn’t it be far more interesting to pair her up with someone that could really shake up her world and challenge her views on things.

      It would be if you were a good writer. Yep, I said it.

      I wouldn’t believe for a second that she’d be interested in him romantically.

      Me neither. First, the fact that she’d just gotten her heart broken by Jeremy was a factor. Now her mom being turned is a factor. I just don’t see her being open to any advances (which could be interesting in terms of the pursuit. But not Jaime). I’d rather go on a rampage. But does JP care? Well, her tweets and writings speak for themselves.

    • Ooooh, a lot of things. First there was this: http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m16cndYKkf1qfylyfo1_500.jpg

      Then there were these: http://sarahjayyne.tumblr.com/post/19619833352/prt-sc-not-working

      I follow the person on Tumblr, so here’s what she wrote and his response:

      Anyway for people to know.

      I said “JFC who was talking to you? And anyway if she wasn’t always shitting on fans, no one would rant at her so please stfu matt” He said who are you again or something to that effect.

      I also said “Also treating a WOC the way she does is suspect but of course you in your white male privilege wouldn’t understand that. smh.” He said I see you’re another asshole.

      He definitely said to her, “Who are you again?” And for the second part, he said, “I see, just another asshole.”

      He then deleted the last two. Then this came:


      And then deleted.

      I said there was something about him ever since that interview he gave about Jenna. How privileged is he? Someone mentions something about women of color and he sums it up by calling them an asshole. Very nice.

      • OMG! So why are we watching this show again. This is beyond anything. What was this gem – “Are jewish people upset about Bonnie’s treatment too?” – ? Well, you know what, MD? As a matter of fact, YES. I know of a couple of white jewish people upset about Bonnie’s treatment in fandom. WTF is this straight up RACIST BS? They are not even being subtle. What happened America? I thought Obama cured racism.

        I guess they don’t want black people to watch the show. Maybe all non-whites can fuck off, according to them. That seems to be the jist of it, anyway. And they can’t imagine that any non-black people are interested in Bonnie because they think that everyone is as racist as they are.

        • I sometimes wonder why I watch this show too. If it wasn’t for my love for Bonnie, I’d surely quit long ago. I just keep holding on to the hope that at some point they’ll do her character justice..

          • This is such a mess. How can they do her character justice if this ugliness is in their hearts? I mean, so what if black people are the only ones bothered by the way Bonnie is handled/discussed? SO WHAT? It’s not like white people being upset somehow validates it more. It’s not like, oh, well a bunch of people feel disrespected and disappointed, but they’re black so who cares. idk. This crap has got me worked up.

            Also, I can’t deal with all the people commenting about how we should be “grateful” to JP. Ugh!

            • You’re right.. It shouldn’t matter the race of those who are upset about Bonnie’s development. I was under the impression that all of our opinions and feelings count despite what color we are. That statement was beyond insulting.

            • I mean, so what if black people are the only ones bothered by the way Bonnie is handled/discussed? SO WHAT?

              If Black people are the only ones bothered, then it’s something they can talk down on. If the Black fans had any taste, they’d be Caroline and Elena fans. Obviously. Thing is, I know they don’t think only White people love Elena and Caroline. But only Black people love Bonnie.

        • What happened America? I thought Obama cured racism.

          I guess I can add this to the list of ways Obama brought this country down. Smh.

          You know all Bonnie fans are desperate Black girls jonesing for attention. Matt Davis’ comment….I won’t say it came out of nowhere….but it took the cake.

          I feel like the end is nigh when it comes to me watching this show. I now have confirmation on something is pretty damaging to me: JP’s thought process when she’s writing Bonnie.

          • “I now have confirmation on something is pretty damaging to me: JP’s thought process when she’s writing Bonnie.”

            I’m sorry…it’s sad. :/ You suspect but you don’t want to snap to a judgement about a person and why they write what they do… And when you get that confirmation, almost wish you didn’t know for sure. And how must Kat feel, working with people who don’t respect her (I know many of us have crappy bosses or co-workers but still!)… I guess it’s all part of being a good actress. 😛 Plec would fire me so fast!

            • You suspect but you don’t want to snap to a judgement about a person and why they write what they do

              Yeah, which is why I always say things like “We’ll see,” but the feeling is always in my gut.

              I guess it’s all part of being a good actress. Plec would fire me so fast!

              This is why I wouldn’t be able to make it as an actress.

        • “And they can’t imagine that any non-black people are interested in Bonnie because they think that everyone is as racist as they are.”

          That’s the essence of it. :/ Lord, what maelstrom did I miss after sleeping off the Pretty Little Liars finale “party”? I thought *that* was an epic battle between angry fans and showrunners-who-say-stupid-things-on-twitter, but …whoa.

          I officially want Alaric off the show, even more than before, ’cause Matt Davis is disgusting and I don’t want to see or support him. I was never interested in Mel Gibson’s or Roman Polanski’s films anyway, but if I had been, I would’ve boycotted their work after learning what horrible excuses for human beings they are. Maybe it’s not fair, I know some people try to separate the creator from their art, but to me they’re inevitably intertwined. The artist’s/writer’s beliefs affect their work. I don’t expect to always agree, and I usually don’t seek out personal info – but if I do learn something like this, I don’t want to help a rapist/abuser/racist, etc make money, gain power, and abuse that power/hurt others.

          So I probably should’ve quit The Vampire Diaries long ago. I knew I didn’t like Julie Plec. And we knew TVD was full of racist and sexist and homophobic writing… but I guess we wanted to believe it was ignorance, not malice, and keep snarking/dissecting the show and hoping for improvement. I don’t know. Not everyone who works on this show is scum, of course, and a boycott would hurt them too. I just wish they were on a better show…. and that we we all lived in a better world. Sounds melodramatic but it hurts to think we haven’t made any progress as humans… maybe even regressed.

          Hooray for the immediacy of the internet and twitter tempting people to “speak” without thinking… making themselves transparent. Matt Davis can delete, but he can’t hide!

          • Hooray for the immediacy of the internet and twitter tempting people to “speak” without thinking… making themselves transparent. Matt Davis can delete, but he can’t hide!


            And I need to catch up to PLL!

  5. Oh wow! :0 I am so shocked by some of his tweets. Why did he even get involved? Fans or fans, and it’s the nature of fandom for writers of shows to get attacked sometimes… They have to have thicker skin. Now I’m not saying Bonnie fans were justified in attacking Julie Plec (if that was the case) as there are ways to express concerns and disappointment about the show without being rude and tactless, but what Matt Davis did was just as tactless, not sure if he realizes that. Regardless of what the fans are saying, they’re the reason he and JP still have jobs, without the fans TVD would no longer be on air, so it’s important that he be respectful to them.

    Anyway, the way some of these writers and people involved with the show handle Bonnie fans, I’m not sure what this actually means in the long run… If that’s how they feel about her character and her fans, I don’t know what to even expect. JP could just screw Bonnie over some more just out of spite…

    • Regardless of what the fans are saying, they’re the reason he and JP still have jobs, without the fans TVD would no longer be on air, so it’s important that he be respectful to them.

      Well according to Matt Davis, we’re the ones who should be thankful to JP, not the other way around.

      If that’s how they feel about her character and her fans, I don’t know what to even expect. JP could just screw Bonnie over some more just out of spite…

      I feel that way too. We’ll see. I can’t imagine being KG and having to show up to work with those people I’m not sure how ignorant they think she is, but she does have a clue as to what’s happening wrt the writing and her character. I’ve gotten that from her few tumblr posts. Anyway, I’m glad she hasn’t said anything in regards to this aside from telling a fan she wished she wasn’t quitting. I’m super glad she hasn’t come to JP’s defense. Hopefully that doesn’t happen later today.

      • Did bitch … *sips tea*

        She probably expects everyone else to come to her rescue. this is kinda hilarious. she likes being the damsel on twitter


      • Classic non-apology apology.

        “If her comments or mine have offended in anyway please forgive us.”

        If? IF? You know damn well that your comments offended people.

        There actually isn’t even a “sorry” in there or any synonym for “sorry” or even real acknowledgement that he said something wrong instead of something that people just got upset about

        • Again, he acknowledges that he and Julie (the White people) were upset, but when the Black Bonnie fans (his thought process) were upset, it was something to be degraded. The Bonnie fan who wrote to him was just being an asshole, is all.

  6. You know what’s even more infuriating about these tweets from the cast. JP have been called all kinds of names and even received DEATH THREATS from her valued triangle shippers and I’ve yet to see her behave in such a hostile manner. Where was Matt Davis when some Stefan/Elena fans were sending death threats to JP just because the other pairing kissed? That would have been as good as a time as any to come in and start calling people assholes and such.. Yet if a few Bonnie fans step out of line even slightly we’re shut down immediately. They have zero tolerance for Bonnie fans. I swear stuff like this really makes me angry and really makes me think horrible things about the people behind this show.

    • Where was Matt Davis when some Stefan/Elena fans were sending death threats to JP just because the other pairing kissed?

      And where was he when Kat got death threats after Bonnie set Damon on fire.

      I really can´t with this … I was never that angry and offended by any show I watched.
      I don´t even know where to go with my anger. And here I thought everything would have calmed down after I wake up … but it´s getting even worse.

    • And here’s the thing, like JP, Kat has addressed her haters on Twitter. She even did the whole “delete the tweet” thing once. But no Matt Davis on white horse to her rescue.

  7. Lol I just.. I mean.. I am lost like seriously
    First JP erm please can someone tell me why Bonnie/Kol were even bought up in the first place? The tweets were about Bonnie/Jamie so why did she even bring up Kol? I dont know why people are all going on and on about Bonnie/Kol when that is not even the reason the Bonnie fans are mad.
    What I find funny is that people acknowledge especially this season how Bonnie gets treated, even Bonnie haters and look at all the recaps commenting on Bonnie’s lack of screentime/development/sls so why are people acting like the Bonnie fans should be grateful when they also agree about the way the show treats Bonnie. I mean what?? lol

    ”Where was Matt Davis when some Stefan/Elena fans were sending death threats to JP just because the other pairing kissed?”

    ”And where was he when Kat got death threats after Bonnie set Damon on fire.”

    This I agree with you guys, it feels like only Bonnie fans get called out and I dont know why, lets be real every fandom has intense people I dont like how it seems like Bonnie fans have gone loco and everyone else has been sane throughout, please give me a break.

    Also kat has been getting so much hate, since season 1 after the whole device sl I did not see anyone standing up for her and defending her, I did not see JP or Matt go on twitter and defend Bonnie and the sl, I did not see her call out the fans. But as sooon as Bonnie fans say something about Bonnie’s lack of sl and random love interest she is right there ready to insult the fans. Her bias is showing, it does seem like she has something against the Bonnie fans.

    • why are people acting like the Bonnie fans should be grateful when they also agree about the way the show treats Bonnie. I mean what?? lol

      Like I’ve mentioned above, I really don’t understand the “grateful” comments/defense. How does gratitude come into this at all? She gets a job and we get a TV show. That’s a transactional relationship. It’s not like her running the show is charity and we’re the oh-so-grateful recipients of that charity. I mean, I would think that compassion and mutual respect, NOT gratitude, would be the aim in terms of a “good” audience/producer relationship. Since people are pissed that she’s not showing enough compassion and respect…I would say that the solution isn’t for her to show less or for us to show more. Basically, FUCK HER. I can’t believe I actually commented on this blog recently that we should calm down on the JP hate.

      I dont like how it seems like Bonnie fans have gone loco and everyone else has been sane throughout, please give me a break.

      This reminds of something an ABC Daytime exec said in an interview after a gay couple was written off One Life To Live. IIRC, she said something like the fans of the characters were simply too intense – implying that if only the fans were more well behaved, the characters could have stayed on the show. This, of course, ignores all the rabid/intense fans of all the other popular characters. You see, your passion is only a problem if it is related to certain kinds of characters

      • I can’t believe I actually commented on this blog recently that we should calm down on the JP hate.

        Not here, right? Because I don’t remember ever reading that, and I read every comment.

      • “I really don’t understand the “grateful” comments/defense. How does gratitude come into this at all? She gets a job and we get a TV show. That’s a transactional relationship.”

        Thank you! This sort of thing infuriates me… see it all the time. “Just be grateful and don’t complain.” We have a right to complain if we don’t like something, dammit! They make a product. We’re the customers. We make them rich (or not). How ’bout they be grateful to us instead? THEY need US. More than we need their stupid TV show. Argh!

    • First JP erm please can someone tell me why Bonnie/Kol were even bought up in the first place? The tweets were about Bonnie/Jamie so why did she even bring up Kol?

      She must’ve had it bottled up for a while now.

      I dont know why people are all going on and on about Bonnie/Kol when that is not even the reason the Bonnie fans are mad.

      You know how this Fandom likes to be both late and behind.

      What I find funny is that people acknowledge especially this season how Bonnie gets treated, even Bonnie haters and look at all the recaps commenting on Bonnie’s lack of screentime/development/sls so why are people acting like the Bonnie fans should be grateful when they also agree about the way the show treats Bonnie.

      You mean people like cadlymack?

      • LOL I bet she almost tweeted Bonnie/Klaus bit then remembered herself (a little) and put Kol in there.

        She knows Joseph wanted scenes with Kat. LHM if Klaus says something horrible … He came into this show with two witches … and he was making eyes at one so … STOP JULIE. I swear Joseph was flirting harder with Lisa Tucker than he was with Candice. >_>

        Julie Joseph doesn’t want you …

        • I swear Joseph was flirting harder with Lisa Tucker than he was with Candice. >_>

          I hink he even flirted with Mindy that hybrid girl more than with Caroline or at least now it looks strange with Caroline.
          It was clear from day one that he wanted Bonnie/Kat as a love interest … now he has to sell the bad fanfiction that is Klaroline.

          Julie Joseph doesn’t want you …


  8. Is it true that Ian also tweeted something stupid in regards to what happened between JP/AlaricActor/Bonnie Fandom?
    If so, has someone the details for that?

      • I was wondering about Ian too…whew…I know he over-acts at times but I enjoy watching his performances anyway, and had the impression he was basically a good guy with the environmental activism and all. Glad he’s (probably) not a racist jerk. Too bad nobody (who wants to keep their job on TVD) can tweet against JP and MD. Guess all they can do is stay out of it. :/

  9. Ian didnt tweet anything about the JP/Matt drama. He tweeted a pic of the final script but the second page was visible so he deleted it and retweeted another pic of it… I dont know where that rumor started.. Ian doesn’t do twitter drama… Not that I ever recall anyway…

      • I’ve said the started the whole thing when he tweets about Kat and then Julie gets man and it all just snow balls because he ignores her lol.

        But that’s RL crack fic lol

  10. I can’t believe that all of this has happened. I guess the only thing I can do personally is to make JP even more uncomfortable with Bonnie questions. Anybody with me? I wonder if I’ll get blocked…

    • I’m with you. I don’t tweet her on the regular, but I do talk, and for as long as I watch this show and the thing with Bonnie remains a mess, then I will keep talking.

    • Well, yeah. I don’t think that showing consideration for someone who shows such disdain for us is going to do anything for us. I actually think it is counter-productive. It is like trying to appease a bully. She is never going to like us. You are never going to change her behavior and attitude. So go nuts. Who gives a shit?

    • I, of course, say this as someone who hasn’t watched the last ep yet and is dreading the next ep like it is an unpleasant chore. I am probably going to be in the boycott by default. So take my advice with a giant box of salt. You are probably going to be in the fandom a lot longer than me.

  11. ”You mean people like cadlymack?”
    No,the people that were saying that are saying we should be happy because she finally gets a love interest and why are we still complaining:rollseyes:
    But Cadly needs to take a seat right next to Julie and Matt because I just knew that she would have to say something.

    ”LOL I bet she almost tweeted Bonnie/Klaus bit then remembered herself (a little) and put Kol in there.”
    lol someone asked why she decided to mention Bonnie/Kol and not Bonnie/Damon lol I actually think that it would have been way worse if she did, the Bamon fans would have gone crazy, I think it would have been on going until the end of the series lol.

    • Amen. Well she’s not stupid.

      Maybe she just picked the only guy on set who hadn’t asked to have more scene with Kat … YET (cause you know it was coming)!

      Julie probably saw the actor looking to long at Kat … and they already sent away Steven and Michael cause they wanted scenes. lol

    • The sad part is that I had no issues with Bonnie/Jamie before this. Sometimes I am into fucked up ships but this whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth

        • True. My attitude was that – It’s not like the other characters are getting awesome storylines and ships. They are getting little to no storylines and crack!ships. So why not lump Bonnie in with that mess? Give her a “storyline” by this show’s standards, you know? Just something.

        • I just know it will be rushed. They’ll be no time and Bonnie probably will have slept with this guy off screen (and I’m not sure that I want it on screen, but here come the incest jokes …)

          Elena and Caroline will make comments, there’s some shots with them in the background dancing … in the back ground while Elena does somehing and Caroline is still being wooed by Klaus …

          Is Klaus going to be threatening Jamie, too? I just hope Klaus doesn’t hit Bonnie. We’ve come this far without Bonnie having to be physically assaulted by someone else … though Damon did it that one time.

          I feel like Jamie should be angry at Bonnie …

          • I feel like Jamie should be angry at Bonnie …

            I feel like part of him should be just a little bit resentful and looking at Bonnie weirdly. Especially if he doesn’t know about magic. That’s how much JP cares about this character: we don’t even know if he knows Abby is a witch. But I’m sure he does, because it will provide as little development and conflict as possible, and that’s her favorite kind.

  12. The boycott is a symbolic form of protest. It is another way to express displeasure kind of like criticizing the show. Also, hardcore fans buy more merchandize like DVDs. If they are dropping out, that is not a good thing.

    Bottom line though, if you don’t have a Nielson box, boycotting won’t do anything to their ratings

    • True. I forgot there are people who buy the DVDs of this show. I don’t. I always wait until the end of the series to decide if I want to own it.

      DVRs also help ratings too.

      • I took TVD out of my dvr set. I wasn’t watching it anyway (unless I couldn’t find DL and needed to episode review)

          • I know there’s something about a 3-7 day lag for DVR ratings. if it’s on the dvr they check to see if it’s been watched live and within the last 7 days for the show to get the points.

  13. 1) Do not wish that racist POS on Canada. We have enough assholes.

    2) “European features” “EUROPEAN FEATURES” OMG! And I think I am an expert at embarrassing myself. The internet is doing wonders for my self-esteem. Good to know that the racism I experienced didn’t really happen. I mean, it cannot really be racism because I am not the right kind of black. It must be because people don’t like the kind of glasses I wear.

  14. I just found this linked at TV Without Pity… you guys probably knew already.


    So Kat and Matt are gonna share scenes soon? Dunno if it’s already filmed but… awk-ward. All things considered. Gonna be hard to watch them interact on-screen without thinking of TwitterGate. Funny, the spoiler hint alludes to the unlikely possibility of a teacher-student romance between them. Ha… ha. I think we’re on the same page with Plec at last… she’d never want to write it, and we’d never want to see it.

  15. Matt Davis issued a second apology on his Tumblr: http://judgyeyes-and-hybridlies.tumblr.com/post/19671293261/matt-issued-another-apology-on-his-tumblr

    What gets me is that he clearly sat down for a minute and thought about this, did some rewrites, and maybe even used a thesaurus. Why didn’t this come out when he was all heated? Is he attempting to sound learned and of a higher philosophy? He went straight to insults when he was angry which was fine (as fine as that can be for an actor on a tv show. And insulting the fans in general is bad enough. Then he insults one fan in particular), but he then broke KG down into compartments so that his racist comment could work better.

    He would’ve done better keeping his “apology” as simple as his insults were. I’m sure there’s regret (because of his/the show’s image), but I don’t think he’s even uncomfortable to realize he wrote those things. He showed his ass because, in his mind, the people he was talking to were not peers. They weren’t White because only Black and Jewish people like Bonnie. But please note that Black and Jewish are mutually exclusive, because that’s the mindset Matt Davis was working with at the time.

    Also note: nowhere in there do the words “I’m sorry” pop up.

    And he apparently deleted it afterwards.

  16. I think I’ve known for a while that JP doesn’t like Bonnie. It was confirmed for me before all of this when I was watching Masquerade with the commentary of her and KW. They kept talking over every time she was onscreen pretty much, but when Elena or Caroline was onscreen she was gushing about how pretty they looked and etc. I can’t exactly remember what else she was saying though. I wish I would’ve never watched it with the commentary on.

  17. Podcast
    Lol I agree it was really an entertaining episode, the twittergate ep was better than most of the eps in season 3 lol.
    If anything Paleyfest will show you how tired all the actors are.

    I agree with the person who tweeted, I thought she was very polite there was no insult and she was just asking a question.

    Please dont forget that as soon as Bonnie talks to Jamie one of the first things she asks him is if they are related lol erm yeah.

    Exactly also with Jamie pulling a disappering act after ep12 it shows that they already do not care about him, has he even been mentioned by Abby? Im sure that Bonnie/Jamie’s relationship will be handled off screen.

    I agree she basically she just told Bonnie fans that Bonnie will most likely never be with a vampire because as she said she is ”strong and beautiful” lol
    Bonnie being ”strong and beautiful” is just an excuse they use so they dont write for Bonnie or give her any interesting sl. IDK if this is true but someone from FF said that when the writers were thinking about who Klaus love interest could be apparantely all of the girls were considered so that means Bonnei too, Im sure when it came to Bonnie ”strong and beautiful” came up and they decided to make Caroline Klaus love interest eventhough Bonnie would have made more sense because of Klaus history/love for witches which has disappered now.

    Erm Alta, Bonnie is just there to be a the gangs personal witch, when they need a spell or a lil ”magic woo woo” Bonnie will be there and than go missing until she is needed again.

    Seriously though I cannot understand how you can have Kat and Steven together on screen and not do anything, lol even Steven was baffled.

    Do we know anything about the Bennets? we are told that a few have died and we are even shown their tombstones yet still nothing on them no indepth sl.

    Alta the reason Abby is there was to help open the coffin, not to give a sl for Bonnie.

    I agree its so funny you mentioned this because we were discussing this in FF about how I have never heard JP talk about Bonnie as she does about the other girls, in most interviews she really goes indepth about Elena and Caroline but Bonnie is either never mentioned or something is quickly said about Bonnie.

    Thank you, now dont get me wrong I am not expecting Bonnie to be running around in her underwear and jumping on guys lol but lets be real here every main characters, as well as nearly all the guest stars have gotten some action yet Bonnie hasnt. Is there a reason why Bonnie/Jeremy barely kissed or hot and heavy, heck you even had Steven improvising scenes Im sure he was thinking this is ridiculous Im going to go for it lol.
    Kat is hot and we know she can bring it, Honey 2 anyone with her love interest, hello.

    The magic rules are when the writers need a qucik magic fix. I dont think they will ever go indepth in the witches/magic.

    Exactly why are other fans coming to Bonnie fans and talking considering their characters have decent screentime and sls. Seat down

    The boycott has really made random people come out, throughout the series how many times have others said ”OMG all you do is complain stop watching” now when Bonnie fans are sick and tired and will stop watching it gets turned to ”OMG it is just a show how dare you?”
    For me I say do you, boycott, good, dont boycott good lol it is up to you, not that serious.

    I think she has an issue with the Bonnie fans, it is funny as the othe fans seem too as well.
    Thank you thats what Im saying, instead at snapping at the fans why not promote Jamie and try to sell the Bonnie/Jamie relationship why not do long reassurance tweets like she does to the other shippers but nope when it comes to the Bonnie fans we are mocked lol.

    I just dont think she connects to the Bonnie character, in the begining she wasnt a fan of Caroline and after Caroline got turned she loves her and loves to write for her. But with Bonnie I think she is not a fan.

    Oh no she did apologize but it was to the ”non Bonnie fans” lol

    ”we will see” How many times have we been saying this? urgh

    Girl please dont, I cant with Cadly, cant stand her of course she has to get involved.
    Its like she really wants to be a part of the TVD gang, sit down.
    Lol this, it is like she is trying to be part of the cool gang, and I agree she is forever tweeting them seriously she needs to take a seat and write her recaps.

    Lol at Matt ”he stole the cake” lol
    Seriously though why did he get involved? I understand him defending JP but you do have to wonder where was he when Kat was getting hate tweets?? Hmmm

    I agree with you, so is he trying to say that Bonnie only has black fans I mean what? whats even more annoying is this is what the most of the fandom thinks as well that Bonnie only has black fans:rollseyes: wow
    Exactly so what about the other white cast members are their fans only white? what even…? I cannot

    Girl read above, THANK YOU where was he? he seems to be forever on twitter so erm where was he when Kat was getting hate? and Kat has been getting a lot of hate since season 1….

    Also about his tumblr ”apology” he deleted it as well lol so what was the point? So I am guessing that like he has a tumblr he has seen the what is being said.

    Can I just add about the ”mammy/bestfriend stereotype” is the fact that on TVD most of the witches are black and when you actually sit down and think about it all of them have played that role, there to help the main characters and than getting killed. Have any of the witches we have been introduced to have had a love interest?? Bree kissed Damon uh huh oh and Greta seemed to have a thing with Klaus but we never really saw them do anything. Now lets compare to the other guest stars who have come in as the sexy vixen/love interest. Hmmmm.

    She does let twitter get to her, Kat posted an interview where she said that sometimes they do have to take a step back as they let what fans say get to them she even said it in Paleyfest.

    About her mentioning Bonnie/Kol if anything this shows that she knows and I guess checks what fans are saying, I can just see her reading people’s ideas and seeing all these ships with Bonnie and going ”No, Bonnie is strong and beautiful” lol I just cannot.

    I agree I feel for Kat, Kat knows what is going on. If anything I think Kat is grateful for the role and it has open many opportunities for her but Im sure she knows whats up.

    I agree this season erm…yeah lol lets just hope that there will be a sit down and a massive discussion about season 4.

    I agree what is wrong with the fanbase being black in the first place? does that mean that because we are all black that our opinions doesnt matter. whatever…

    • Please dont forget that as soon as Bonnie talks to Jamie one of the first things she asks him is if they are related lol erm yeah.

      Great start for a relationship *_____*.

      Exactly also with Jamie pulling a disappering act after ep12 it shows that they already do not care about him, has he even been mentioned by Abby?

      Nope, and Bonnie never brought him up, not even to add drama between her and Abby.

      IDK if this is true but someone from FF said that when the writers were thinking about who Klaus love interest could be apparantely all of the girls were considered so that means Bonnei too, Im sure when it came to Bonnie ”strong and beautiful” came up and they decided to make Caroline Klaus love interest eventhough Bonnie would have made more sense because of Klaus history/love for witches which has disappered now.

      If it’s true, I’m sure JP’s body language already told the writers that it wasn’t really an option, even before she said anything.

      Erm Alta, Bonnie is just there to be a the gangs personal witch, when they need a spell or a lil ”magic woo woo” Bonnie will be there and than go missing until she is needed again.

      Don’t forget the gang (Salvatores) will act entitled toward her magic.

      Do we know anything about the Bennets? we are told that a few have died and we are even shown their tombstones yet still nothing on them no indepth sl.

      Nope. Like, Sheila was a professor. How come we’ve never seen any of her colleagues or students talking to Bonnie? Maybe joking with her that she should apply to the university?

      Alta the reason Abby is there was to help open the coffin, not to give a sl for Bonnie.

      That’s crystal clear to me now.

      heck you even had Steven improvising scenes Im sure he was thinking this is ridiculous Im going to go for it lol.

      Lol. I’d love it if Steven was still pressed any time the subject of Bonnie/Jeremy came up.

      The boycott has really made random people come out, throughout the series how many times have others said ”OMG all you do is complain stop watching” now when Bonnie fans are sick and tired and will stop watching it gets turned to ”OMG it is just a show how dare you?”

      I’ve seen that, and it keeps popping up on my tumblr. Someone even made an art saying they’d never boycott the show because they’re a fan of the show. Like, what? Be quiet.

      I just dont think she connects to the Bonnie character, in the begining she wasnt a fan of Caroline and after Caroline got turned she loves her and loves to write for her. But with Bonnie I think she is not a fan.

      Oh you’re right, I forgot that she used to be condescending about Caroline.

      Oh no she did apologize but it was to the ”non Bonnie fans” lol

      I saw that *_____*. Again, we’re the last to be considered.

      ”we will see” How many times have we been saying this? urgh


      Can I just add about the ”mammy/bestfriend stereotype” is the fact that on TVD most of the witches are black and when you actually sit down and think about it all of them have played that role, there to help the main characters and than getting killed. Have any of the witches we have been introduced to have had a love interest??

      Klaus went to Gloria expecting her to help him (which says she has before), so that trope continued through them. But notice how Esther wasn’t helping anyone? She came with a full family.

      Girl, Brody and Jules came in as a couple. Smh.

      • ”If it’s true, I’m sure JP’s body language already told the writers that it wasn’t really an option, even before she said anything.”

        Lol I just imagined this scene
        Writer: ”Hmm IDK I have been thinking about this I think it could definately work and be a interesting paring…Bon…”
        (JP stares at them, raised eyebrows)
        Writer: (coughs, clears throat) Caroline I mean it would work

        ”Nope. Like, Sheila was a professor. How come we’ve never seen any of her colleagues or students talking to Bonnie? Maybe joking with her that she should apply to the university?”

        lol that would require actual screentime and it would mean they would have to talk about the Bennetts outside of magic, yeah not going to happen lol.

        ”Klaus went to Gloria expecting her to help him (which says she has before), so that trope continued through them. But notice how Esther wasn’t helping anyone? She came with a full family.”
        This urgh, I guess she is the ”Orginal witch” lol

        ”Girl, Brody and Jules came in as a couple. Smh”
        Lol so sad,

        • Lmao.

          And for Bonnie to interact with someone who maybe doesn’t know Elena exists? Nonsense. We can’t have people knowing about the Bennetts and the Bennetts only.

          This urgh, I guess she is the ”Orginal witch” lol


    • I understand him defending JP but you do have to wonder where was he when Kat was getting hate tweets?? Hmmm

      Kat don’t pay him so he’s not coming to her rescue. Also I bet Kat doesn’t confide in him about the damn twitter abuse. And I bet he’d just think she was wining and saying she was pulling the race card to get sympathy. Why’d he even bother it’s twitter?

  18. ”I think I’ve known for a while that JP doesn’t like Bonnie. It was confirmed for me before all of this when I was watching Masquerade with the commentary of her and KW. They kept talking over every time she was onscreen pretty much, but when Elena or Caroline was onscreen she was gushing about how pretty they looked and etc. I can’t exactly remember what else she was saying though. I wish I would’ve never watched it with the commentary on.”

    Really?? hmm it seems like somethings are coming to light now, I just read a post that said apparantely when the the show was starting she was not planning on having Bonnie and Meredith on the show, hmm it would explain a lot if this is accurate..

    • It would explain the sorry excuse that are the friendships and why the only relationships of Elena’s that get screen time is the ones she has with the Sals.

      • This, she probably wanted the whole show to just be about the triangle and Elena also it would explain why the focus tends to always be on Elena and Caroline.
        She had no plans for Bonnie so thats why Bonnie is in the background and used as people like to say a ”magical tool”

        • Especially since KW isn’t here to think of ideas for Bonnie, so JP has no one to keep her from going with her original sentiments.

          Still, of course, assuming this is true that she never planned for Bonnie to be on.

        • I can´t believe this … if this is really true and thanks for showing me the quotes on ff.
          So she wanted to include Caroline and Tyler – the two characters who had no significant role and sl in the books but they couldn´t find a place for Bonnie and Meredith Elena´s best friends.

          That´s unbelievable. Urgh. And I wasn´t even a big fan of the books but the friendship between the 3 girls was what the story made worth.

  19. :sighs; I cannot, Alta have you seen Matts newest post?he did this mock style interview post and lol I cant please just read it because I know you will be pisseed/amused is this dud actually serious??
    Oh and he singles out the Bonnie fans once again and he insults the person that he called an ahole wow. lol wow.

      • Check out this gem from that ridiculousness

        “Again, it wasn’t me who was playing the race card here. ”

        We are “playing the race card”. Lol. Because it is all a game to him you see. In this day and age when black boys are still being gunned down in the streets, pointing out racist behavior is just a silly game we play.

        And how many non-white leads do we have on TV? Plus, we weren’t the ones who decided to take other people’s TERRIBLE and PAINFUL history and turn it into a Disney ride for tweens. What the fuck is the “handmaiden” BS? With his “jewish” comment, are we going to see a flashback to WWII Germany where concentration camps were really just boarding schools with love triangles everywhere?

        This guy is so self-absorbed. At no point in this post, did he try to see the POV of other people. It is all about him and his ~suffering~. GTFO! Ride your space ship and kindly leave the planet.

        “Again, it’s a luxury to enjoy the connection we all share online. It’s mostly a positive experience. But if we as the creators of this show continue to come under personal attack, the joy of this luxury will fade and disappear – and so will the show…. ”

        WTF?!! “Connecting” with him is a “luxury”? For whom? LOL. What an ego. Oh no! He might not share his vile self on twitter anymore. OMG! Let’s make this happen you guys. Let’s fuck with him all day and all night. Why the fuck not? It is not like they give a fuck about anything we say. They deserve to be listened to but we are subhumans whose opinions don’t matter – our reality doesn’t matter. They won’t take a second to take a step out of their comfort zone to really listen to us.

        And dude, the joy of the show has already disappeared for a variety of reasons. Get out from under the sycophants and open your eyes. It is a basic principle that any business manager/owner knows that most people who are unhappy with a service leave quietly. All the positive feedback you are getting is an illusion. For every unhappy fan who actually expresses her unhappiness, there are about 10-20 who have left quietly.

        • In this day and age when black boys are still being gunned down in the streets, pointing out racist behavior is just a silly game we play.

          And how many non-white leads do we have on TV?

          Matt Davis totally doesn’t see stuff like that. How many people of color do you think he knows? He naturally sees right through them.

          I wish I’d read that part so I could tell him that I personally wish he and especially Julie Plec would get the hell off of Twitter.

          For every unhappy fan who actually expresses her unhappiness, there are about 10-20 who have left quietly.

          THIS! But you know what? He and Julie only care about pleasing the fans who are already happy with the show. If you don’t like something and want them to fix it, they ignore you.

          • This man is such a mess. Like is he sick? Is he all there? Why would you be rude to people who are mourning a friend?

            Despite having grown up with computers all my life (even before I got here, I was privileged enough to have access to computers), I shied away from its more social aspects until recently. I’ve never had a Facebook account or a Tumblr account and so on. And I only got a Twitter account for TVD. When I made a real friend through TVD fandom who lives in another country, my mind was BLOWN. I was like, is this normal? Do people really form geniune relationships online outside of the romantic sort on dating sites? So, I can totally understand being bewildered by internet culture because I still am a lot of the time (most of the time, lbr). What I don’t understand is refusing the request of people who are hurting when it costs you NOTHING. Why should it matter whether he understands the request or not? Why is his slight discomfort more important to him than these TEENAGERS hurting over the death of a seventeen yr kid and asking to be consoled in their own ways. If he couldn’t say anything nice, he shouldn’t have said anything at all.

            • I know! He was still being rude to them in this latest apology. Apparently he has a guideline for how people should grieve.

              Do people really form geniune relationships online outside of the romantic sort on dating sites?

              I know right? It’s galling.

              He really didn’t need to say anything. It’s not like they were knocking down his damn door. You can always log off of Twitter or close the damn tab.

              • I can’t.

                Of course these people were trying to include their DEAD friend in all the stuff they would have done with that friend before. If they all hung out at a bar together, and asked the bartender to lead a toast for the dead friend, would that be weird? Isn’t that basically the same thing? I mean, twitter/tvd is a gathering spot for these kids. How is that strange? I think these people don’t understand what an audience is. THEY ARE THE PPL THE SHOW IS FOR. HAVING THEM IS THE ENTIRE POINT. And I mean, somebody died. have a little respect, you know? Part of having respect is to offer condolences. I can’t believe he would be like, “Omg, get off my back you assholes asking for condolences. Next you’re gonna ask for my fingernail clippings so you can put them on your alter to me.” Because he is not creepy at all – only these fans are.

                • Agreed.

                  I can´t believe that he acted so disrespectful to people who lost a family member.
                  He could have simply ignored it, nobody pressured him to say anything, but of course he had to.
                  I didn´t even know about that until I read that one tumblr post which summed up the events of the day with MD and JP.

        • With his “jewish” comment, are we going to see a flashback to WWII Germany where concentration camps were really just boarding schools with love triangles everywhere?

          oop.I giggled. I’m waiting for that episode … it will never happen. >_>

  20. Matt Davis has issued another apology! This morning we got a poem/stream of consciousness type thing. Tonight we get an interview type thing: http://luckythinks91.tumblr.com/post/19709570946/iloveyouless-vampirehunting-ernestoriley

    My reaction here: http://innameonly.tumblr.com/post/19711479289/i-love-you-less-now-that-i-know-you-vampirehunting

    The biggest question is: will this one, like the rest, be deleted, and will there be another installment tomorrow?

    Stay tuned *_____*.

    I could’ve never imagined when reading that interview about Jenna that this man would one day have trouble keeping his ignorance inside of him. He doesn’t know how to apologize. He strikes me as one of those people so staunch in their beliefs and opinions that they just don’t know how to say sorry, because they very rarely feel sorry. Especially towards people they don’t know. I thought that after I read his New Age apology this morning.

  21. Guys, in what other industry can you put race and gender as one of the desired qualifications in a job advertisement as a matter of routine? Please tell me. In the industry that this WHITE MAN is a part of, it is an everyday thing. A fandom friend was telling me about a documentary she wanted me to watch about kids breaking into the film/TV industry (too frazzled to recall the name right now but if anyone really wants to know, I can ask her again when I talk to her either later tonight or tomorrow). At one point, the kids in the doc (with their parents) go to a meet and greet with the agent for Dakota Fanning or somebody. This Asian girl and her mom go up to the agent. The agent is like, you’ve got “it,” but wait until next month, when they start casting the bffs, etc – that’s when they’re looking for the ethnics. And the mom goes, “yeah, for the sidekicks.” I no longer find it shocking that someone would think what the agent said to the kid, and I ALMOST don’t find it shocking anymore that it would be said to the kid. However, I STILL find it shocking that she’d say it at a public meet and greet, in front of cameras. I mean, that is some epic level ignorance right there. So ignorant, she doesn’t even seem to realize or care she’s being ignorant! That is what we have here with Matt Davis and Julie Plec.

    Sometimes TV shows/Movies will do us the “favor” of “blind casting” *one* role and very very very rarely all the roles instead of their much more common practice of turning originally non-white characters white. We are supposed to be oh so grateful for this gesture. BITCH, the rest of the country has been “blind casting” for decades. Talk about lowered expectations

    • Guys, in what other industry can you put race and gender as one of the desired qualifications in a job advertisement as a matter of routine?

      So damn true. But neither Matt Davis nor Julie Plec think about that because not only do they not have to, they won’t make the effort.

      That agent had no problem saying that to the girl’s mom because there’s no punishment for her saying it. Especially not when she’s keeping the Hollywood status quo.

  22. Guys I honestly cannot believe him is he serious ? I dont even know what to say anymore, I legit think he is trolling lol
    I am wondering if Kat even talks to him because seriously this dude erm no. Also I find it interesting that he mentioned JP going to him about people calling her racists Im sure ”we all bleed red” was mentioned in the convo:rollseyes”

    What I find funny and sad about this whole situation is me and my cousin was just taking about hollywood and the whole oscar roundtable with Viola and her talking about black woman in Hollywood and the limited roles. Then I come to see this idiot talking about…I dont even know I mean was Viola just playing the ”race card” too urgh (screams) lol sorry but he has pissed me off.

    What is really sad about this whole thing is that this is what some of the fandom also think, how many times have we read some little twit say similar things??

    • White people conversing about being called racist. Considering I’m getting to know this guy, I can imagine the condescension. So since they’ve had convos about JP being called racist, I’m really curious what they’re thinking about KG when they’re smiling to her face. After all, they wouldn’t need to deal with “absurd” fans if she wasn’t on their show. And I in know way think they’re the types who think Kat is “not like the others.” I saw their nervous laughing when she mentioned Bonnie being ghetto at Paleyfest.

      Oh I’m sure he’d think she was, but out loud he’d say, “There are still things we need to work on.” You saw how in the apology he said people bringing up racism or racist tropes are just keeping society back, because we’ve made so much progress.

      It’s funny because what he said in the apology is exactly what some of the TVD fans have been saying. Some idiot said Matt’s apology made them cry. Girl bye.

      • Seriously I have been thinking if sometimes JP thinks they should not have hired Kat. Considering it is the CW lets be real their shows barely has minorites I actually think they make sure the shows has at least one black person and I am wondering if that was the case for Kat as in they were told they had to be at least one minority in the cast and here comes Kat. Urgh not to sound negative but…..:sighs:
        Lol right I noticed that too, everyone just looked awkward and were not sure if they should laugh the only person legit laughing was Ian.

        He just needs to stop, considering everything that is happening lately yes race related he really is a douche.

        She needs to take a seat right next to him, i have also seen some going ”leave him alone he has apologized” seriously take a seat as well.

      • iot said Matt’s apology made them cry. Girl bye.

        Maybe it cause her physical pain.

        My eyes started to hurt too. From all the rolling and squinting and my head started hurting and I just laughed until my tummy hurt. DIS SHIT …

      • I saw their nervous laughing when she mentioned Bonnie being ghetto at Paleyfest

        I saw that too. She was leaning over as if to check in with them Julie most of the time.

        These people are drowning in their stupid

    • I wonder if he text Kat some bogus sing-song pseudo apology … I don’t think he’d call her over this. I don’t think she’d answer.

  23. Someone made a funny “JP logic” Tumblr. I lost the link. Does anyone here have it? Might as well have some fun with this stuff, you know?

  24. for the recording:


    MATT DAVIS! 6am

    LMAO best episode of the season!

    Bonnie fans are her downfall! DED

    Alta this is your scolding voice and it is making me sit up straighter.


    Sage murder- rapist (so are loads of other vamps)

    Bullshit! Boom

    I’m winding it back RN

    it was fine in season 2 when Kevin was there …

    I love your anger. I love it!

    Samantha gilbert … ugh

    Buler! *ded*

    “Meridith is … beautiful and strong I guess” lol

    that scene where Jeremy and Bonnie are whispering was hot too.

    Bonnie’s “strong” because she can bare all the burden of the white people



    they are so pressed!

    I don’t want to watch this weeks episode. I don’t want to look at Matt Davis. I’m gnashing my teeth at that dude.

    BULL SHIT! guuuuuuuurl >_>

    I love it! YES! you are wicked. 😉

    I cried at Pearl/Anna Bonnie/Shelia. The song helped.

    oh god “the race card” …

    overseer. *snort*

    oh shit Matt Davis’s ass

    I’m thankful for the black witches. Don’t for get that white witch Esther knew more magic than Bonnie and her shit wasn’t messing up like poor weak Bonnie. >_>

    White people just don’t want to be called racists. They don’t like that shit.

    Stranger person! I didn’t even see that part

    LMAO! YOU DON’T EVEN GO HERE. I don’t know this woman.


    Carrying a horse …?

    OMG …. Matt Davis … i throw my hands up and I take a few steps back

    I’m sitting here sipping on my tea.

    I thought it was camel lol

    Screen Captures! hell yeah.

    Fuckin’ Matt Davis

    The “magical negro” …

    I feel like JP didn’t want to shut JoMo down because he probably asked for it.

    Gosh she must feel like the other. I would. Kat knows … she has a tattoo that says “know thyself”

    Matt stay in Canada … Whaaat?

    Julie asked Matt to take that down …? lol

    Matt is losing his mind …

    Shit … Jamie and Bonnie will be so gross. Be they be blood. just like a soap opera twist.

    Put up a poll.

    I’m going to stream it online …

    I want new writing and producers.

    Damn I’d like to know about Kevin too.

    It makes me emotional that Elena doesn’t care about Bonnie. I hurts so bad. I just see Bonnie sitting, sitting alone at a table and maybe she’ll look across the room and see elena with those brothers. the ones who have hurt to man people in their lives and see Elena smiling with them and then Bonnie has to smile back. while behind elena, the brother’s are giving Bonnie this snarky shit eating grin and if Elena sees is she’ll swat at them in a playful manner and roll her eyes and shrug at Bonnie.
    All I can see are the tears coming in those eyes.

    • “Meridith is … beautiful and strong I guess”

      The woman’s kind of just there.

      that scene where Jeremy and Bonnie are whispering was hot too.

      It is. They had many sexy scenes, but nothing intentional and written in the script. After the kiss, it was mostly Kat and Steven’s eye contact that brought it.

      I thought it was camel lol

      Oh you’re right!

      Julie asked Matt to take that down …?

      I don’t know for sure. Just speculating, lol.

      Ugh. I can’t.

  25. Hi guys, I’ve been following this podcast for a while now, and I enjoy listening and reading you’re opinions as they seem to echo mine a lot. I’m a huge fan of Bonnie’s, loved her from the moment she appeared on screen, and like everyone else here I’ve been more than a little disappointed by what the writers have done with her character. However after this whole twitter fiasco I just had to share my opinions as well, as they vary slightly from some of yours.

    I know everyone is up and arms about what Matt Davis said, and he surely could use some tact and maybe even a little bit of class, but Julie Plec’s tweets concern me more than Matt Davis’s if I’m completely honest. I’ll get more in detail into Matt Davis’s tweets later but first I want to discuss Julie. Julie Plec basically confirmed my suspicion about the limitations placed on Bonnie’s character. Her flat out “No…just no…” to the possibility of Bonnie and other possible directions her story could go just confirms the suspicion that Bonnie will always just be the magical solution. They have no interest in really developing her character as anything more than that. We’ll be in season 5 or 6 of the vampire diaries and Bonnie’s character will have gone absolutely nowhere. While characters like Elena and Caroline will have experiences everything that life in Mystic falls has to offer. Bonnie will always be relegated to being the plot device, that the writers go to when they need a quick fix in a story-line.

    Bonnie’s character has very little value in the eyes of both the writers and even some of the other characters, especially the male leads (aka the Salvatores). A character is only as important as the “heroes” see them, and on this show Stefan and Damon are considered the “heroes” and if Bonnie is irrelevant to them, chances are she’s irrelevant to the majority of the fans. Elena is all wrapped up in Salvatores, they love her, she’s special they do anything and kill anyone to protect her time and time again. Caroline is considered Stefan’s friend, and even Damon has shown to care for her despite his previous treatment of her. They have him standing up for her to her mom, they have him leading the efforts to her rescue from Jules and Brady, he took a werewolf bite to protect her etc. So Caroline is valued by the show’s “heroes” so in turn she’s also valued by the fans. Bonnie is the only one of the female characters who Stefan and Damon seem to be completely indifferent to. And I get they try and play the whole witch and moral angle, but like many have pointed out, Bonnie is certainly not as moral as they try and claim. Her actions in season 2 are proof of that. So I don’t understand why like the other two characters the Salvatores can’t seem to warm up to Bonnie in any way, or vice-versa. I thought for a long time that Stefan might be one of the Salvatore’s in Bonnie’s corner, who saw her more than just a tool, but this season my eyes were opened and I was disillusioned. Stefan sees Bonnie as expendable as well, he’s just not comfortable admitting it because it makes him feel bad about himself. Hey at least you know where you stand with Damon. So basically if the writers portray Bonnie as completely expendable to the “heroes” of their show, is it any wonder that most of the fandom/viewers see her as such?

    Now when it comes back to JP’s tweets, I think it’s clear that Bonnie is to remain as she is. That she will never really establish any real relationship with any of their dynamic male characters. They’ll throw in a few random (guest-star) love interests in there for good measure, and basically do the BARE minimum with her story-lines every time, like they’re doing with Abby right now, and that’s where it will stay.

    Now when it comes to all the twitter stuff, I might have some slightly opposing views. Like I said I found JP tweets far more alarming than Matt Davis’s, as Julie finally showed her hand in regards to how she feels about Bonnie’s character. Matt Davis can be an asshole (ironically so lol) he’s very opinionated and some times very harsh, I stopped following him a while back because of it.. However, tactless and rude his comments were I did not find them to be racist. As far as calling the fans assholes, again very tactless and rude for someone who is supposed to be a professional, but TBH it’s pretty mild compared to some of the tweets on Julie’s mentions and even his own. As annoyed and appalled as I was at some of JP and Matt Davis’s comments I was even more appalled by some of the comments being made by the fans. Calling someone “white” and “privileged” and telling them to “STFU” in my opinion warrants a little more than being called an asshole. I think maybe we’re sugarcoating it a little for our fellow Bonnie fans, as they were certainly ATTACKING and not painting us in the best of lights. I will never advocate sending hateful or offensive messages to anyone over the internet, people have literally killed themselves over such things and as much as I love Bonnie and love being part of her fandom, I do think the fandom shares some blame in what occurred.

    Now I know someone mentioned JP never getting riled up over other fandoms who attack her and send her hate and maybe it’s true to a point (I’ve seen her lose it before) but I think there’s a difference between nonsensical angry shippers tweeting nonsensical things and being accused of something as awful as being a racist. That is far more personal and probably hurts on a deeper level. Now I don’t know JP or any of the writers associated with TVD, so I can’t tell you if they are racist or not. But if they are not it’s a pretty hurtful thing to read about yourself, especially if pools of fans are tweeting you daily and expressing that sentiment. Did it warrant her dismissal and hostility no of course not, she’s a professional. She should handle things professionally, and if she should find herself getting overly emotional and too upset about something instead of tweeting something that she will regret, she should just press the X on the corner of her browser. Simple as that.

    Now onto Matt Davis’s tweet saying “Are Jews upset about Bonnie’s character.” or whatever it was he said. Again abrasive, rude and very sarcastic but I think at worst that’s all it really is. He was trying to make a point and failed terribly in the eyes of most of the Bonnie fandom. At this point emotions are running high, JP just pissed everyone off with her comments and Matt Davis just called a bunch of fans assholes, and BAM! this comes along and people are raging. Now the only thing that bothers me with the comment is that he shouldn’t have brought Katerina Graham into this at all, he shouldn’t have referenced her in anyway, as this was really not about her but the character of Bonnie. However I’m sure the point he was trying to make after someone said Bonnie’s characterization was offensive to people of color, was what does color have to do with it? And if color plays such a huge role in people being offended, then perhaps Jewish people should be too, as Katerina is obviously Jewish. I do not believe that he meant only people of color care about Bonnie’s character. I feel like this comment has been grossly misunderstood, as I interpreted it far different when I read it, and it seems I was right in my assumption. Now was it an appropriate comment to make? No not at all. It was definitely inappropriate as far as I’m concerned and I still feel like he should not have mentioned anything related to KG. But that being said, I see nothing that indicates it was a racist comment. Just a poorly thought out one. That’s just my personal view.

    Now when it comes to the boycotting of the show. Personally after Julie has made her intentions clear with Bonnie, I doubt I’ll be watching any longer. I love Bonnie’s character and I think she deserved a lot better than what the producers of this show seem to think. Personally I feel like the boycotting and all the other things going on is done to drag out this drama more than it needs to be. If people are not satisfied and feel offended by Bonnie’s characterization then perhaps the best thing to do is tune out ( I sure am). I think part of the fandom actually sensationalizes this kind of drama and I think this boycott in a sense is a kind of yellow journalism. Getting people more riled up and upset than necessary only to prolong the drama. An internet boycott will do little to the show’s ratings, as most fans don’t even come on line.

    Also about Matt’s tweet about the dead girl also very rude, sarcastic and quite distasteful but I actually share his views. I wouldn’t want my loved one to be a Top trend on twitter shortly after their passing. It’s actually quite intrusive to the family of the deceased, and I know the fans meant well, but these kind of things are very sensitive. The girl was not a celebrity, there is no need for the world to know of her passing.

    Anyway these are my humble thoughts about what occurred. I hope I didn’t offend anyone as I am aware that my views are a little different than most.

    • Also one more thing I wanted to add is that I believe just as Matt Davis might have put Katerina Graham in a weird and compromising position in regards to her colleagues, I believe the fandom is doing the same with all this boycotting and stuff that’s going on. I imagine Kat is feeling very uncomfortable right now with fans and producers/actors alike going at it on twitter just because she happens to have darker skin. I believe as much as we care and as much as we want Bonnie to shine and have her moment, it’s important at least for Katerina Graham’s sake that we be respectful in our critiques especially when addressing the writers. Going on twitter and ranting and raving at Julie Plec and Matt Davis calling them racists and “privileged whites” whether or not we believe them to be true, does not help our girl at all. Quite the opposite in fact. It can only cause some resentment and probably further isolation believe me. I truly feel for Katerina at this moment. This has to be down right humiliating for her. It’s a shame what transpired, I only wish she keep her spirits up and not allow this to tear her down.

      Don’t get me wrong, I fully believe that people should be allowed to voice their opinions and I respect everyone’s opinions here whether or not I’m in agreement with them. I think a blog like this is a good place where people can feel free to rant and rave about whatever pleases them without any restrictions I just feel like as Bonnie and Katerina fans we should be extra careful about the way we address the writers especially about such delicate matters. Because believe me whether or not the Bonnie fandom is wrong or right it looks bad when you read through Matt or Julie’s time line and there are so many attacks and harsh comments to them about being racist among other things. That does not make it easy on Kat as she has to work with these people and be around them a lot.

      • I’m not sure how uncomfortable she’s feeling that her fans finally got fed up, considering she’s seemed fed up in a couple of interviews recently. Of course I’m not 100% sure, just going by her posts telling us to keep talking. I mean she had to have known that some of the people talking are over the top. She’s under contract, but more than that she’s professional, plus she’s dealt with the bs that is Hollywood. So while she can’t/won’t say anything to JP, I can’t imagine she’s cringing that this happened. Cringing at having to face her coworkers? Most likely. Cringing that JP all but admitted why she’s been wasting her (KG’s) talent? I have doubts about it.

        • I think no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t put KG in a good situation. I think she has to be uncomfortable and a little humiliated at what’s going on. If she has really thick skin than perhaps she can brush it off, but still she shouldn’t have to feel that way at all. I can’t imagine her telling fans to speak up means she wants the fans to go out and accuse her boss of being racist. One can speak out without insulting and attacking. I would think that’s what Katerina meant if she ever encourage fans to speak up. If KG is the person I believe she is, then there’s no way she would condone some of the things that fans were doing. She’s on twitter encouraging fans to tune in and support her, so I doubt she’d be happy upon finding out that her fans are boycotting the show. This is why I think that the fandom in a way have done more harm than good to her. I feel like the fandom with all this sensationalized drama and extremes have put her in an even more awkward position, than any tweet from Matt or Julie did. When she shows up to work all of her coworkers will know that HER fans accused JP and Matt D. of being racist and privileged whites. That HER fans are the ones boycotting a show (as I’m sure they’re probably aware of it) that they ALL work hard on. Believe it or not it puts her in a really weird and IMO potentially humiliating situation. She’s only human and she has feelings and I’m sure she values the opinions of her colleagues so I can’t imagine that she’s not feeling some kind of way about this.

          • This is assuming she liked the position she was in before. That she wasn’t already feeling humiliated after noticing that her friends Nina and Candice get better storylines and scenes and follow-through, and opportunities to show their talent than she does. It’s assuming that she doesn’t notice that she doesn’t get invited to the big Comic-Cons and that she got added to the Paleyfest panel at the last minute (after the 3.14 fiasco, which is actually the time when she spoke to the fans). No, this did not increase her luck (or maybe it will, who knows what JP took from this), but I don’t think she was comfortable when she had to grin and bear it either, otherwise she wouldn’t tell her fans to keep talking.

            Of course I don’t think she’d condone her fans being rude to the producers. I also don’t think she’s under the impression that all of her fans are able to argue logically and rationally either. But she said what she did anyway, obviously speaking to the ones that can. And by my perception the fan who engaged JP was doing fine. And then JP decided to be condescending to the entire Bonnie Fandom.

            And I did see a tweet from her, the only tweet from her, telling a fan she wished they’d reconsider quitting the show after they tweeter her (KG) after JP’s “No. Just no,” answer and before Matt Davis stepped in.

    • Hi!

      I definitely think JP’s thought process means more harm for Bonnie’s character than Matt Davis’. I think Matt is a vile person, but he’s not running the show. I think that’s why I spent more time talking about JP than I did talking about Matt, and it’s because the only reason I’m talking about this in the first place is because it affects the show and explains what’s been going on with Bonnie’s character. I really do wonder if this is what will make JP change and give Bonnie her dues, but like I said in the podcast, I’m not holding my breath. Could be that she’s holding her silence and will apologize with receipts in terms of treating Bonnie correct, but I’m not waiting for it. In fact, like I said on the podcast, I’m waiting for the opposite.

      When it comes to Matt Davis, we do disagree, so all I’ll say is:

      Again abrasive, rude and very sarcastic but I think at worst that’s all it really is.

      With those characteristics plus the tweets he wrote, plus his subsequent non-apology apologies where he can’t seem to stop being condescending and dismissive, I don’t get why saying the things he said were racist and he just might be racist himself is taking things too far. In all the cases I’ve seen of celebrities showing their hidden colors, they are abbrassive and rude while doing it and Matt wasn’t/isn’t any different.

      • Well being abrasive and rude does not automatically mean racist. I don’t think those terms are at all synonymous with each other. If I make a rude or insensitive comment it doesn’t automatically make me racist. I believe that Matt is missing a sensitivity chip and doesn’t seem to filter things in his mind before he spews them out, but I still can’t interpret his words as racist no matter how I try to look at it. I believe the comment was taken out of context, I think people were already riled up and worked up and the moment he tweeted those things, fans took it to mean something that it didn’t mean, but at that point I think it’s fair to say that no one was trying to understand as everyone was past the point of livid and raging already. And Matt himself explained his tweet, and he’s not one to sugar coat anything I think it makes more sense than what other people are taking it to mean. He didn’t imply that only black people care about Bonnie’s character, he questioned the logic of those who claimed the way that Bonnie is portrayed is offensive to people of color. By asking if Jewish people would also be offended. To me this is rather clear, so I guess I have a hard time seeing how it could have been perceived any other way… The thing that bothered me about the tweet however is that he brought up KG’s background and made it about HER. I felt like that was out of line and wrong.

        But I guess we can agree to disagree on the matter. 🙂

        • Well being abrasive and rude does not automatically mean racist.

          They don’t. I don’t think they’re synonymous either. I was saying that if someone can be abrasive and rude and this can be accepted, then considering these already harsh, unpleasant personality traits, why can’t they also be a racist? That’s why I pointed out that when celebraties say racist things, they do it in a rude and abrasive way, even if it’s not their dominant personality type. And this was the case for Matt Davis. I was trying to say that I don’t get why Matt can be rude and abrasive and lack sensitivity, but somehow when it comes to race, he’s sensitive and thoughtful. I mean in his latest apology he said something like, “Bonnie—a woman of color as they say—” Like, what?

        • Kat Graham is a Black Jew. Bonnie is not Jewish as far as I know. Imo, he *was* implying that all the vocal Bonnie fans are black. And that they *only* stan for her because they over-identify with her because she is black too. And that their stanning is irrational because the qualities they are attached to aren’t necessarily part of the character. Therefore, their stanning is as silly as someone stanning for Bonnie for some arbitrary characteristic of Kat Graham’s. He was asking where are all the people who over-identify with her because KG is Jewish – which in his mind is absurd because Jewish people are never vocal about things they find offensive?? LOL. I don’t get it. I took his tweet to mean that we only see issues with how Bonnie is handled BECAUSE we are all black apparently. So everything we say is of course delusional?? We can’t possibly have any legitimate grievances because us black people see racism everywhere and are lying in wait to smear everyone’s name. He wasn’t questioning our logic. He was dismissing us out of hand because the very idea that we might have a different perspective is silly to him. If he was questioning our logic, he would have brought up his own arguments to challenge us in his tumblr post. Instead he said that we were playing the race card (I already addressed this upthread) and that even speaking of race would undermine “progress” LOL. OMG! How is progress even possible if issues aren’t discussed?

          Do you guys remember early season 2 when Caroline stans were going nuts and wishing death on Matt? Did anyone in the cast imply that all Caroline fans were white and therefore, irrationally attached to her because of her race? Because that is exactly what Matt Davis was saying about Bonnie fans. When Caroline fans complained, why didn’t he come out and mock them with “Where are all the Christians?” (just an example, Idk anything about Candice’s personal life). Can you even imagine such a scenario happening? No. Because white is normal and stanning for a white character is normal even when you are screaming at the top of your lungs about how the show is treating her badly because of her gender and calling JP (and ZR) horrible names all over the place and calling her a misogynist. Misogynist, racist…what is the difference? They both refer to a set of hurtful/destructive behaviors and attitudes which can be CHANGED if someone is open to it – is open to listening to something other than the sound of their own voice. People pointing out that some of your behavior is racist is not the same as being told that your soul is doomed to an eternity of hell. People need to get over themselves and try to see other people once in a while.

          I apologize if my grammar is worse than usual. My head is pounding

          • Can you even imagine such a scenario happening? No. Because white is normal and stanning for a white character is normal even when you are screaming at the top of your lungs about how the show is treating her badly because of her gender and calling JP (and ZR) horrible names all over the place and calling her a misogynist.


  26. Great podcast, Alta.

    Yes, I remember S1 when I was so sure we would get an Emily-centric flashback. And S2 when I was so sure that we would see Lucy again later in the season. Sigh.

    And yes, JP’s view of Bonnie doesn’t leave a lot of options for Bonnie. It’s depressing.

    Matt Davis … no words.

    • Thanks, Emily.

      It just seemed to make sense to give Emily a pov in 1864. But JP wasn’t interested. Which is most likely why we’ve never learned how witches become indebted to vampires. No explicit commentary has been made about how that plays into White Master/Black Servent tropes. Because she doesn’t get it. She doesn’t seem to be doing this stuff on purpose. Not for Bonnie or the witches.

  27. I have been trying my best as a TVD fan to hold out hope
    that KG/Bonnie might be as interesting a character as Buffy’s Willow.
    Alyson Hannigan, started out as nerdy best friend type character, but
    as she developed she had sexuality, and at times her morals and lack of abiding by wiccan code( oh a specific type of witchcraft, not just “woo-woo” as Kevin Wiliamson says,( who know produces The Secret Circle of Woo Woo).
    Yet KG, has been down graded from s1 to s3, she so 2-D she can’t even light candles anymore..wow. Remember season 1, before she knew she was a
    witch she was psychic, had intuition, and could make feathers float?
    And yet Ester the orginal witch , a 1000 year spirit powerful enough to
    come back to life (no ring needed,)has to channel the bennet line?
    Maybe those nose bleeds were just ester trying to stay alive. I sigh
    and try not to throw remote to tv next thursday.

    Maybe Bonnie’s next magick act , will be a vanishing spell. Apparently Abby had enough power left to run away from not so Mystic Falls.

    • Hi!

      I often feel like, when the writers lay out these episodes, they’re working with the thought that Elena or Damon or Stefan can’t be outshined. Which severely hinders the supporting characters, imo, if the creators are working with the thought that they cannot look better than the Trio. I think that hurts Bonnie in particular, because I’ve said more than once that Bonnie has the personality type, the experience, and the powers to be able to strike out from the Salvatores from time to time, but the writers seem adamant on everyone following the Salvatores’ lead. I remember when I would complain on the podcast that Tyler, for one, should be independent of the Salvatores, both because he’s a werewolf and there’s that whole rivalry and because Tyler’s a little arrogant and also because of what Damon and Stefan (and Bonnie) did to Mason. All of that to say that, Willow was lucky that her writers weren’t working with the idea that Buffy must always be the best and Willow must always come in second to that.

      Remember season 1, before she knew she was a witch she was psychic, had intuition,

      I miss her intuition. I was lamenting about it the other day. Remember when Elena asked for the spoon or plate, and Bonnie immediately knew where it was and she told her? I miss that. I miss when she got flashes that weren’t necessarily visions, but just psychic knowledge, like when she would just know what commercial was going to come on. That would actually serve to make her powers more every day life instead of something that’s only used to solve crises. So of course they got rid of it *_____*.

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