Teen Wolf S02E11: Battlefield Podcast

2.11 Battlefield

In this podcast, my key phrase for Battlefield is “I don’t understand.” Do we all realize that Scott learned offscreen that Victoria is dead? He learned offscreen why Allison wants him to stay away from her at the moment. I don’t understand. It seems like Derek and the pack bonded during their first full moon together, but now the betas want to leave. I don’t understand. Boyd wanted to be like Scott, but now Isaac is the one who admires Scott. I don’t understand. Furthermore, Jackson’s physical trauma continues to trump Lydia’s psychological as she’s now the key to saving him. I don’t understand.

30 thoughts on “Teen Wolf S02E11: Battlefield Podcast

  1. Very unhappy with how little – or should I say nothing – we’re getting about Allison’s and Lydia’s POV. Lydia’s screentime seems to have ended when she brought Peter back.

    I do not like how Lydia is the only one who can bring Jackson back or whatever the crap. Ugh. I’m not here for that. Is that her purpose this season? First bringing Peter back and then Jackson? :/

    Def not my favourite episode. By a long shot. But I liked the scene with the puppy and the scenes with Scott/Melissa and also Stiles/his dad. Plus, the show is making me care about Isaac, although I don’t want to care about him, lol.

    • Yeah, it seems like now that Peter is back, they forgot about Lydia and Allison’s actions are hard to understand. It is one thing to take pleasure from hurting Derek. It is another to hurt people with such glee simply for associating with Derek.

      Isaac and Erica did a 180. What happened to the people who wanted to murder Lydia, Jackson and (maybe just hurt) Allison? I suppose Isaac’s scenes during the night of the full moon explain some of the changes in him but what about Erica? When did she become so close with Boyd?

      I don’t hate Isaac. I just don’t care most of the time. I would rather have seen Deaton showing Scott that trick.

      • Hey Susan, Jeff Davis got close to fulfilling his dream of having Gerard in every ep. He was in almost every scene of this episode :/.

        I’m looking at it as: Erica and Boyd are Derek’s power source, so hurting them would eventually allow her to get Derek. Plus, this is what happens when she can’t conceivably kill Derek due to the constraints of the show. Others get used as smokescreens.

        Exactly! What happened to that? Why didn’t Erica stand and fight for at least a little while?

        • Why didn’t Erica stand and fight for at least a little while?

          I thought female werewolves could take more pain. smh. I guess they can when you want to physically torture them but not when they should be fighting for their lives. When shit gets real, it’s their job to play damsel in distress and the male werewolves’ job to play hero.

        • I’m looking at it as: Erica and Boyd are Derek’s power source, so hurting them would eventually allow her to get Derek.

          They paralleled Matt and Allison in last week’s ep so I think Allison will become even crazier. I am not sure that she is being that logical about it. What happened last ep with the Kanima and Matt might have pushed her into hyperdrive. It is a good story in theory but the execution leaves much to be desired.

    • Me too. I don’t like it. Especially for Lydia, because what she’d been going through during the season was so traumatic. And now she’s cheering at a game? What? This episode made me wonder if Jeff Davis made her a plot device this season. She wakes Peter and then the writing, and therefore Peter, drops her. Is Peter really done with her? That’s it? And then as if she hadn’t been put through the emotional wringer, as if she doesn’t have her own crap she should be dealing with, they’ve now smoothly slid her into the object that can save Jackson. Nope. Not here for that. Considering how much of an ass Jackson’s been to/about Lydia, Kanima or not, it should have been the other way around. Ugh. Not impressed.

      I’ve got a bone to pick with Isaac believing in Scott. What happened to Boyd wanting to be like him, Jeff Davis? What.happened? You don’t have Sinqua for a lot of episodes, but you haven’t done anything in the episodes for which you have had him. So we get all of these potential slash scenes with Isaac/Scott instead of Boyd/Scott, and then, instead of having Peter wax on about how Jackson’s gay best friend can get through to him, he has Peter talk about Lydia, as if the character doesn’t have something better she should be doing. Why was Danny even in this episode, then?

      This episode feels like it’s outside of canon. Isaac, Erica, Boyd, and Derek (in relation to the latter two) were acting weird.

      • And then as if she hadn’t been put through the emotional wringer, as if she doesn’t have her own crap she should be dealing with, they’ve now smoothly slid her into the object that can save Jackson.

        She was also an object of desire for Stiles. Peter got to talk and talk and talk (omg, I couldn’t take it) but Lydia just sat there while other people got to talk and feel about her.

        Why can’t Danny save Jackson? Step up, Danny. What does he have going on right now?

        • I can’t believe that after Lydia went through all of that stuff, they used a shot of her as part of Stiles’ victory and hero moment (because he’s always wanted Lydia to cheer him on). Stiles literally doesn’t know Lydia rn.

          Because it would be too gay? So instead of Peter talking about how Danny could get through to Scott and all of that, the gave it to Lydia and gave us Scott/Isaac (two straight dudes) instead.

          • But Jackson isn’t gay, right? No chance of the dreaded gay sex there.

            I loved all things Scott and it looks like Matt isn’t coming back so I still loved the ep. Plus, Sinqua(sp?) Walls is growing on me. I hope they don’t kill off his character. He is the only guy under 40 I find hot on the show.

            • He’s not, but Danny is. And as I’ve learned in TW Fandom, that’s not as sexy/acceptable as putting two straight dudes together and giving gay subtext.

              Scott didn’t have enough scenes, but the ones he did have were emotionally charged. I couldn’t help but notice the contrast of Stiles’ achievement being scoring a goal (I think he forgot about everything else in those moments) and Scott having to think about saving everyone.

              • I loved that Scott couldn’t bring himself to hand over other people (Derek) to get murdered even when his mother’s life was threatened. So many Scott feels. I can’t. I fully realize that what I am going to write next is super ridiculous but I am going to write it anyway. I love Scott so much, it is hard for me to discuss him or analyze him too much #dorkforlife

                • He is such a hero!!!!

                  Seriously, I know the feeling. I just watched the ep a second time, and literally the only thing I wrote for Scott in my notes is: “Scott.” Because that says it all! He’s so responsible and has a lot on his shoulders, and he’s always thinking of the best outcome. How many times can I reiterate this?!

  2. The thing is, Gerard is looking for Derek and he was at the Hale house. Derek isn’t the hardest person to find. During the whole episode I just keep thinking is he even looking for Derek really?

      • What happened to their large network of hunters? I thought they had people everywhere. I was surprised that they didn’t have people watching the Hale house. I was expecting hunters to interrupt Derek and Peter the entire time.

  3. When Stiles was describing what it feels like to drown, I couldn’t help but think of TVD. That Elena drowning scene is ridiculous in more ways than one.

  4. What do you guys think of Lydia sitting next to Melissa and sincerely cheering for the team? And what do you think of her hair and what she was wearing?

  5. Writing while listening.

    The over-exposed character better be Isaac but I know you will pick Stiles.

    Stiles’ narration made sense to me because the ep ended with Stiles being kidnapped. His kidnapping was the cliffhanger that leads to the finale. I thought it was appropriate, structurally speaking, that the ep began and ended with him. I don’t think what he was saying was meant to be accurate or give us an overview of all the characters. I think it was mostly meant to give us insight into where Stiles is at this moment.

    I didn’t like Stiles’ long lacrosse playing scenes . I get that he is the comic relief but they often go OTT with him to the point that it ruins the tone of the show. They should have stopped with him accidentally scoring one goal. That should have happened right before the lights went out and he was taken.

    Generally speaking, I think the show is trying to do too much with the number of eps they have.

    Yeah, they fucked up Allison’s story 10 different ways. No one got to react to Allison’s mom death other than Allison’s family. I thought her bf was part of her story. I thought that her friends and bf cared about her too but apparently not – not enough for their reactions to be shown.

    You don’t feel like you’ve seen Stiles’ anxiety on the show? I feel like we’ve seen it from the very beginning. It has been building from the pilot. I mean, remember that ep in season one when he was looking for Scott and he came across an ambulance taking a dead body. He freaked out because he thought it was his dad even though he had no reason to think so.

    It would have been OOC for Lydia to share all that with Ms. Morell though.

    I have a feeling that this show is going to turn into the Teen Stiles or The Sterek Show next season. I like Stiles now but I have a feeling that I am going to hate him next season. Part of the reason he is getting all this attention is due to fanservice. I wish shows wouldn’t do fanservice for the fans who fetishize one character or one couple. All it does is ruin the show for everyone else and, eventually, for those stans too.

    They could have had *both* characters talk to each other about their feelings. Scott could have started with what happened to him earlier which would have gone along with what Stiles said to Ms. Morell about always feeling like something bad is going to happen. Then Stiles could have looked defeated and said what he said in the ep.

    Peter was DEFINITELY not needed in this ep.

    The entire Derek/pack thing was handled poorly from the start. Isaac is the only one who made sense from his last ep to this one. They changed Erica completely. This is the girl who risked a seizure to go back alone to the climbing wall after she failed the first time.

    If they were trying to make Allison look bad, why couldn’t they have her shoot Boyd in the leg and have Erica come back to save Boyd? Erica and Boyd could have begged Allison to stop *after* about the 7th arrow lol. I guess traditional gender roles are part of Jeff Davis’ ideal world. Apparently, if you show it on tv, real life might become that way too. Oh wait, the real world is already pretty misogynistic. What a coincidence

    Maybe the arrows had wolfsbane. It would explain why Boyd didn’t have the energy to attack.

    Yeah, Allison is now the hysterical irrational woman who needs to be calmed down and Chris is the rational man.

    But how did she even come to rely and trust Gerard over the father she has been close to since the pilot? Is it because he gave her Victoria’s letter so she thinks her mother trusted him? This is all about Gerard now and Allison is his pawn.

    lol, you just brought up the letter too.

    Lydia doesn’t matter, ok? She is there for the menfolk

    The Christian name thing confused me. Isn’t Jackson the only name that boy has ever had? I thought his parents were dead by the time he was born or soon after. Am I remembering this wrong? Did his mom whisper a name to the nurses as she was dying?

    This is yet another example of a show which re-enforces the status quo while pretending to be progressive. There is Danny who has no story, no love interest and is not involved in anyone else’s story. Then there is Isaac who is being setup to bait slash fans. There is Boyd whose story in the beginning was about being like Scott. He was the only beta who was consistently skeptical of Derek’s decisions. Inexplicably, Isaac is the one who has the most contact with Scott. The showrunner says that Boyd and Danny exist in an ideal world where homophobia and racism does not exist but the show is all about the straight white guys. The show hasn’t even told us what Scott’s ethnicity is. Because of all the Latinos actors who are playing non-Latino white characters on tv, a lot of the audience sees Scott as white. Look at your life, look at your choices, Jeff Davis and MTV execs.

    You don’t even need that many scenes to develop Boyd. Look at how much focus Matt got in one ep. Like you said, Boyd often doesn’t even get dialogue in the short scenes he is in.

    I love how diplomatic you are being. “I am suspicious”. Guuurl, what will it take for you to be certain?

    What did you think of how Scott handled Gerard? He had no plan. It looked like he was just randomly running around trying to get in Gerard’s way despite the fact that he had no idea what Gerard was going to do. He should have knocked Gerard out by injecting him something from the vet’s office. He could have then kept Gerard as a hostage so he would have something to bargain with. I doubt that Gerard would have been able to control the Kanima while he is unconscious.

    • The over-exposed character better be Isaac but I know you will pick Stiles.

      Lol. You know it.

      I get that he is the comic relief but they often go OTT with him to the point that it ruins the tone of the show.

      I don’t think it ruins the show, but the times they do go OTT with it is why I can listen to him say he’s anxious and he can’t sleep, etc and wonder “Since when?”

      They’ve really dropped the Scott/Allison scenes. Simply dropped them.

      It would have been OOC for Lydia to share all that with Ms. Morell though.

      Not even after she brought a dead man back to life? I don’t think she’d tell Ms. Morrel the truth, but she could’ve spoken in code. Maybe interrogate Ms. Morrel and ask her what she knows about the significance of dreams. Or maybe research it herself online or at the library. Or something. Because if it’s OOC for her to spill her guts, then they need to do something else to show us her pov. That’s one of the problems with Bonnie on TVD. She doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve like Caroline and Elena and every other character on the show, sure, but that’s no excuse for completely shafting her pov. Stefan doesn’t come out and tell people about himself/his past either, but they’ve found ways to let us know (ignoring the part where it’s sometimes other people speaking for him).

      They could have had *both* characters talk to each other about their feelings.

      They could have. I don’t know what’s so hard about it that they chose not to.

      I guess traditional gender roles are part of Jeff Davis’ ideal world. Apparently, if you show it on tv, real life might become that way too. Oh wait, the real world is already pretty misogynistic. What a coincidence


      Other people think the arrows had wolfsbane too, but I don’t believe it.

      Yeah, it’s his only name. That’s his Christian name though, his birth name (which his adoptive parents gave him, I think, because wasn’t he pulled from his dead mother’s stomach?). Lydia’s said Jackson’s name before though, to his face over the course of the season. Oh my God, won’t it be terrific if they tell Lydia the truth in the finale just so she can save Jackson?

      The showrunner says that Boyd and Danny exist in an ideal world where homophobia and racism does not exist but the show is all about the straight white guys. The show hasn’t even told us what Scott’s ethnicity is. Because of all the Latinos actors who are playing non-Latino white characters on tv, a lot of the audience sees Scott as white. Look at your life, look at your choices, Jeff Davis and MTV execs.

      Yep yep yep.

      I love how diplomatic you are being. “I am suspicious”. Guuurl, what will it take for you to be certain?


      Maybe Scott will get to the knocking people out stage in season 3. I think he came up with a half plan. But it was based on him being able to play in the game, which made it flawed. He was planning on stopping Jackson himself (since he’s the only one who can do it), but then he got distracted by Gerard taking Isaac.

      I’m wondering why all of those people were running around if all that happened was a player got injured. No one saw who took Stiles, I don’t think. My point is, nothing happened that would have those people running like chickens with their heads cut off and screaming. If anything, they should have been confused and gone to see what was happening on the field.

      • LOL. I was wondering the same thing while I was watching the ep. It was so funny. The lights went out for a few secs. Why did they come down from their seats to run in all directions in the middle of the field? You would think that everyone would be running away from the field and towards the back of the seating area if they saw something scary. I am cracking up rn just thinking about it.

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