My heart is beating again!

The Bonnie scene. *Sobbing.* The tiny tiny space that is the square that they allow her was filled with EMOTION. And that was good for me. Which translated to everything else being good.

Elena had some head-banging moments, some even nauseating, but what else is new. Could’ve been worse. She actually followed through with a plan!

Klaus was good. Rebekah was good, I was able to overcome my resentment in order to appreciate the Alaric/Caroline scene (ah, continuity and follow-through with nary a wait time), and on and on.

And the twists and stuff all worked. Although I raise my eyebrow at all vamps dying if the Originals are killed. It played out well, but damn is it late. And though someone pointed out that Esther wanting them to turn human first now makes sense, them being able to turn human again still doesn’t.

Like someone said, probably thousands  of vampires just died (Sage turned a lot), some of them probably in crowded bars. Will the cities panic? Lol.

72 thoughts on “My heart is beating again!

  1. So good. I actually liked a episode(it’s become a rare occurrence).
    Bonnie so good there’s the Bonnie I know She reacted to Klaus.
    The sound that came out of my mouth when she left Damon was not human.
    The witch has a name now Damon, you remember it now.

    So I put money on Elijah being their direct line. But are they going to kill all the vamps who aren’t from their line. I wonder if fandom will be mad at them doing that like they were at Ester.

    Tyler is so dead they don’t care about him at all. They are going to save their own asses and Tyler to bad for you he wasn’t turned by the right vamp.

    I hope Klaus is not the direct line I need him to die.

    I kind of liked everyone this episode *surprised*.I’m like you when they do right by Bonnie I enjoy the other characters more.

    But I won’t push luck by doing a rewatch because I will find things that don’t make sense I’ll just listen to your podcast.

    • The witch has a name now Damon, you remember it now.

      Mmm-hmm. Glad she left him to rot. Now I’m waiting for Stefan to get his turn (I know that’s like waiting to spot a mermaid).

      Bonnie looked so young when she was faced with tortured!Damon. I saw that she wanted to help him. She actually moved to go into the room. Help him and maybe say something snarky? It’s like she’s been conditioned or is under hypnosis or something. Klaus had to rub it in her face how little she matters to them before she could leave Damon. Maybe she was in denial? Wouldn’t blame her. But someone had to outright state it. It had to be rubbed in her face for her to get it. Hopefully she gets it for good and forces them to change.

      I wonder if fandom will be mad at them doing that like they were at Ester.

      Of course they won’t. It’s only vamps we don’t know whose lives are at stake. Rme. I hope Bonnie points out how utterly selfish their willingness to kill all vamps except for some special snowflakes is. I bet Fandom would be thrown if that happened.

      I feel like Tyler’s gonna die too. *Sigh.*

      I have to rewatch *_____*.

      • My aunt once met a mermaid off the coast of Tanzania.

        Well, she says she did and she’s into a lot of magic and witchcraft, and often communicates with dead people’s spirits and such.

        Just sayin’. Its been known to happen :DDDDDD.

        *slinks off leaving useless contribution to discussion*

    • “Tyler is so dead they don’t care about him at all. They are going to save their own asses and Tyler to bad for you he wasn’t turned by the right vamp. I hope Klaus is not the direct line I need him to die.”

      I’ll be truly surprised if the show kills off both of Caroline’s love interests (maybe to make room for Caroline/Jamie? :P) … it’s time for TVD to *really* shock us, I say! Do it – kill Klaus & Tyler!

      But I see this whole thing as an excuse to keep Klaus around. Now our “heroes” will stop talking about how he has to die and they (and we) will become reconciled to his presence as a regular on the show.

      Rose knew Elijah and was running from him right? So I predict that Elijah turned her. If the writers want to keep him around too. Or they might decide to stir up the fandom (apparently they’re very agitated at Elijah’s lack of screentime and were begging the writers to un-dagger him? I suspect the showrunners like to toy with Elijah fans. :P) and kill him off, in which case, Klaus will turn out to be the sire of Rose/Katherine/Damon/Caroline.

      • But I see this whole thing as an excuse to keep Klaus around.

        Yeah, another thing that takes away from this reveal aside from it’s timing is that we know both the producers and the fans are in love with the Originals. It’s almost pandering. Like, maybe if the Originals were an actual threat, okay. But they’re not.

        It’d make sense for Elijah to be the one who turned Rose, just because of the fact that…they interacted. Whereas she and Klaus didn’t.

  2. I was going to wait to post this later on, but I did enjoy this episode although some things did bother me. Are we always going to start an episode with where’s Bonnie? Caroline got over the news of Alaric killing her father pretty quickly.
    The product placement of this show is ridiculous! Klaus writing on the phone instead of texting was crazy.
    Fin and Sage were boring. Loved the Bonnie and Klaus though, but we couldn’t get where he initially kidnapped her.
    Why doesn’t Bonnie get to confront Damon or anyone else who’s hurt her like Caroline even though that was a moot point since she sipped on Elena juice and forgave him too quickly. Although I was too happy when Bonnie walked out on him. Go girl! I was missing the old Bonnie. I loved that Klaus was smiling when Bonnie declined to help Damon.

    • I feel like she didn’t appear until half the episode had gone by. Another question is, are we always going to go an episode sans Bonnie an episode after she experiences emotions? By now I think the answer is yes.

      Caroline got over the news of Alaric killing her father pretty quickly.

      Of course she did. She’s adopting Elena’s philosophy of “Not giving up,” which of course means, “Forgiving them no matter how deeply they hurt you because they’re experiencing ‘angst’.”

      Him writing on the phone was so awkward.

      • I agree we tend to get these really emotional Bonnie moments that is important for her character but than she goes missing the next ep and she is cool with everything. This will be the same routine as she is back for ep20 and she will be at the dance urgh.

        Also can anyone tell me if they are really doing Bonnie/Jamie? The dude was not in this ep, he will not be in the next ep as well, he is at the dance but not in the finale seriously, this is why I didnt want him as a love interest he is always disappearing and clearly the writers do not care, is this how their relationship will be handled off screen.

        • He’s not in the finale? That’s good news. Maybe JP’s just trying to save face by saying Bon will have a love interest. I can’t handle Jaime crossing over into season 4.

          • He wasn´t in the character list, that´s for sure I would have made out his name and the last name is for sure not his name. So he won´t be in the final … unless he only shows up and doesn´t say anything.

    • Speaking of the product placement they were consistent with Bonnie/Jeremy it’s always during their scenes or involving them.

      • I never notice the product placements. Even when someone pointed it out for this ep, I only thought of Klaus using his phone, not the Bon video chat thingie. This would be great if they’d let Bonnie and Jeremy make a sex cd or something. Since technology is such a big part of their interactions *_____*.

    • “Caroline got over the news of Alaric killing her father pretty quickly.”

      Oh man, that made me laugh. Elena’s a SAINT who forgives everybody. Naturally she inspired Caroline to be forgiving of her father’s murderer. (Next up: Bonnie faces Damon and thanks him for killing her mom. :P)

      When Elena was rattling off that list of people who “never asked for this” it honestly seemed like she *forgot* about Caroline, and then Caro had to remind her… “and me”. Probably wasn’t meant to come across that way, but I read it as “Elena looooves her murderin’ menfolk…and kinda tends to put her love interests (yes I count Alaric among them ;)) ahead of her female friendships.

      “The product placement of this show is ridiculous!”

      Nothing will beat Bonnie & Jeremy talking over the computer/video chat thingy after he almost died, and she brought him back to life. No need to hug and comfort eachother, or, god forbid, spend the night together and have wild, passionate…candle-lighting time. 😛 Let’s just go our separate ways and then I’ll ask how you’re doin’ over the ‘puter.

      Oh! My other favorite is when Caroline was alone in her car that one time? And the way the camera was roaming around the car and shooting from the backseat, it looked like someone was in the car with her and about to jump her! But no! Just showing off the car for product placement’s sake! Bwahaha! It brings tears to my eyes. Was Kevin Williamson still around at that point? Was he intentionally trying to evoke horror movie tropes (omg there’s a killer in the backseat!!!) to sort of mock the fact that he was forced to shill the car? I don’t know. But I’ve never seen such tacky, obvious product placement as I have on TVD. I must be getting desensitized since I didn’t notice it as much in this ep. I did feel a fleeting annoyance when I couldn’t read all the texting though…like, aww man, why do they have to use these gadgets all the time and strain my eyesight. 😛 it was actually a relief when Klaus decided to do the big handwriting-thing instead. 😛 Clearly product placement doesn’t work on me since I always fail to notice brand names and what the hell the gadget is even called. It’s a gadget, that’s all. And I do not covet it. Nyah, take that, advertisers!

      • When Elena was rattling off that list of people who “never asked for this”

        That was so not necessary. That scene shouldn’t have played out like it did. I feel like she should’ve just let Caroline experienced her emotions, not rush and remind her that her losing her father is basically nothing special. That’s the type of crap that gets me mad on Bonnie’s behalf.

        Nothing will beat Bonnie & Jeremy talking over the computer/video chat thingy after he almost died, and she brought him back to life. No need to hug and comfort eachother, or, god forbid, spend the night together and have wild, passionate…candle-lighting time. Let’s just go our separate ways and then I’ll ask how you’re doin’ over the ‘puter.


        That car scene tho. I thought she was gonna get hit by oncoming traffic. Yeah, KW was still on the show.

  3. Im with you guys, surprisingly i really liked this ep.
    Urgh Bonnie the poor girl, who does she have? When she was crying outside it really hit home how alone she is, and everyone tends to look at her to solve everything. The girl is 17/18 years old. Sometimes I just want her to leave the town but she would never.

    I loved Klaus and the Klonnie scenes, that is the Klaus I was waiting for lol, the earlier Klaus who doesnt give a crap.
    I loved Rebecca as well did not feel sorry for Damon but eww to the torturing lol. Loved how Bonnie was all like peace but she still did call the gang.

    Do not care for Finn/Sage but I did feel bad for Sage can you imagine? 900 years she is waiting for him and as soon as they are together he dies.

    i also liked the gang, I do think their plan was alright but they never think things though, and without even knowing Bonnie saves them again.

    I loved Caroline’s lil diss at Damon lol that was funny.

    Of course there had to be some triangle stuff in there, sorry but boring and just tiring the same every ep.
    Also the vampires being linked to the orginals how predictable, I liked how it played out on screen but people have ben speculating about this for awhile.

    • When she was crying outside it really hit home how alone she is,

      It so perfect. No one else has her burden. No one else. And pretty much none of them ask.

      I loved Klaus and Rebekah too. Their last scene together was almost over the top, and I think Rebekah’s about to betray Klaus, but it was good overall.

      I didn’t feel bad for her. I like when she busted up to mess so ish up. Her death was cool.

      I was actually good with the gang’s plan. There’s pretty much nothing to make fun of, lol. Except for them only coming up with one scenario.

      Maybe my eyes glazed over, but I even liked the triangle stuff. Maybe because it wasn’t all about, “Look at how Elena’s hurting Stefan.”

      I liked how it played out too, but they should’ve done it earlier. Also, I feel it’s about to shine a very bad and selfish light on our “heroes.” Surprise surprise.

      • “I was actually good with the gang’s plan. There’s pretty much nothing to make fun of, lol. Except for them only coming up with one scenario.”

        I know! Why wasn’t Stefan willing to rescue Damon like Elena wanted? I mean, there’s your opportunity to stake Rebekah. What’s wrong with that scenario? If they had gone there, might’ve prevented the unbinding spell too. But of course, Finn (and Sage) are more expendable and the writers don’t want to kill Rebekah (or Klaus). So that’s why. But is it true to Stefan’s character (okay stop laughing…I’m asking a serious question! ;)) that he wouldn’t jump to save Damon? Considering how they’ve always saved eachother in the past. I guess Stef’s still pout-y over Elena and Damon so… sure. It makes sense. 😛

        So, do you think Rebekah planted any ticking-time-bomb compulsion-suggestions in Damon’s brain, when she bled him of vervain? Like… next time Elena moves in to kiss you for real… kill her! Yeah, probably not. But Rebekah had a golden opportunity there, dangit. I wonder why she isn’t trying to torture or otherwise punish Stefan for rejecting her though? Stefan and Rebekah were supposedly in lurve back in the day, and you’d think she’d be more pissed at him than at Damon, but I guess the writers have forgotten. I hate torture scenes and always have to look away. But I *might* slightly enjoy (looking-away-and-not-really) seeing Stefan tortured. 😛 He’s just so annoying and self-righteous and hypocritical and it feels like the writers let him get away with more than Damon, as if Stefan hasn’t done equally horrific things, or worse. Argh. Time to see Stefan in trouble and Bonnie just walking away, as he begs her forgiveness and promises never to treat her like a servant again… I wish. 😛

        • P.S. Lexi torturing Stefan out of “love” doesn’t count. I want someone to *hate* Stefan. I’m just so sick of seeing Elena forgive him and chase after him. And Bonnie not-brain-fry him. And Klaus continue to want Stefan’s friendship, in his warped way. 😛 *I* hate Stefan, but I guess I’m alone. 😦

          • I want someone to *hate* Stefan.

            Yup. And not because they’re evol either. I want him to get the kind of disdain a lot of characters have had for Damon.

        • Lol. I think it’s true to Stefan’s character. They’ve saved each other in the past, but it hasn’t been during moments like this. Plus, we actually got this before. Stefan botched the plan in Homecoming to save Damon, and Damon was pissed. I’m glad he learned. This is the type of stuff that works for me. Not only was Damon in no danger of dying since he’s a protagonist, but it’s a)what he would’ve wanted and b)they actually talked about it in the episode and Stefan gave a reason for not doing it. It’s why the scene where he eventually went to save him worked so well for me.

          Lol, I think the writers are trying to downplay Stefan/Rebekah as much as they can. Ugh.

    • “Also the vampires being linked to the orginals how predictable, I liked how it played out on screen but people have ben speculating about this for awhile.”

      Yes! So what’s happening with this show? It used to get praised for it’s fast pacing and Shocking!Twists! but now so much has become predictable. Because storylines are dragging out too long? Because we’re smarter than the TVD writers? 😉 Let’s go with that.

  4. Another thing I really liked in this ep was Damon actually getting tortured! None of that smirking, tough guy, crap. And I was so waiting to find out he tricked Klaus and wasn’t really compelled. Glad that didn’t happen. It does good things for the character.

  5. So, in order to make us viewers *and* the characters on the show stop wanting The Originals killed off (or at least, begrudgingly accept them).. the writers tied The Originals dying to all other vampires being killed too… as many of us predicted episodes ago. It’s the obvious solution if the writers are determined to keep The Originals on the show. They took long enough to reveal it. It’s like Alaric’s-ring-has-consequences/he’s-the-serial-killer-after-all… something else we predicted. Are they reading and using fans’ ideas, or just too obvious about setting up these storylines so we can easily figure it out way before their “shocking twist reveal”? 😛

    Annoying that Bonnie wasn’t allowed to just not give a damn about Damon… she immediately has to call Elena and report to her that Klaus has Damon (as far as she knows, Elena doesn’t know, so this is how Bonnie still plays a part in “saving” him). And did Bonnie have to mention Jeremy being threatened first, before her own mother, when she apologized for doing the unbinding spell for Klaus? I know Bonnie loves Jer, but it still felt like she had to mention him first to Elena because Elena & her gang would only “forgive” Bonnie’s “betrayal” if someone close to *Elena* had been threatened, like her brother. I mean, what if Klaus had “only” threatened Bonnie’s mom and she still helped him? Would the others understand? Or would they judge her harshly for it? As selfish as they are, I suspect the latter. Bonnie’s loyalty and top priority must be Elena! Like Bonnie’s mom wasn’t *really* important unless she too had a connection to Elena and Elena’s mom. I just want these characters to *matter* and be treated like real people with equally valid perspectives and desires and lives that are separate from Elena & The Salvatores. I’m glad that Bonnie was allowed to have an emotional moment/reaction on-screen for once though. It’s something.

    But you know who I really felt for in this ep? Sage & Finn! Their epic love and tragic death just as they finally found eachother again… *sob* Heartbreaking, ’cause we knew them *so* well, had all this build-up to make us root for their reunion with breathless anticipation, and we were shown just *why* they’re so good together. Free-spirit Sage was gonna help stuffy Finn live life to the fullest. It was subtle, but I think that’s the gist of it. 😉 She made him maybe not want to die anymore after all. Ironic! Great job TVD writers, as always. 😉 And, unlike certain other plot points, Sage & Finn being goners…not telegraphed at all! Way to go! Okay, I’ll stop now. 😛

    • I had no problem with Bonnie mentioning Jeremy first. He’s the one Klaus threatened first, right? I don’t remember. It’s a little annoying that they had Bonnie hesitate where Damon was concerned, but the whole thing seemed to work for me. As long as I think she was in denial and didn’t truly want to believe that she’s been associating with people who care so little about her life and the people she loves. Seems the Bamon fans aren’t the only ones who thought Bonnie and Damon had reached an understanding, Bonnie had thought so too. As long as I read it like that, then I’m not bothered at all by her hesitating. But we’ll see when episode 20 comes. I know these good episodes/Bonnie moments are always fleeting.


  6. What is this sorcery? I liked this episode very much, apart from some comments that were made by Caroline and Elena I loved almost everything about it.
    Did Caroline Dries really wrote this episode? Perhaps someone made a mistake and she wrote last weeks episode and this one was by Rebecca Sonnenshine. You can´t even trust in the writers who almost everytime fail you … now they deliver it but at the same time the writers you thought would do an awesome job make the worst out of an episode you hoped so much for. That´s so unfair.

    Bonnie my love every scene you were in was perfect. Every single second of it. Her attitude against Klaus and how she wanted to slap him and her comments and Kat´s face – everything was beautiful. That scene with tortured Damon and it looking like she wanted to help but then being reminded of what he did but nevertheless calling Elena and telling her what is going on. And then her break down the best scene for her this season so far.
    I would have been happy if I saw how Klaus got her and that her friends checked up on her after they know what happened, but the scenes we got were perfect.
    And the Klaus/Bonnie scenes showed me that they have potential even if now also JoMo calls out “these” people who ship them. I never thought about them as a epic romance but like we saw this episode their interactions and their different views collide in this and with Bonnie´s attitude it could have been so much better than pony-sketchbook Klaus and Cinderella Caroline. Just my opinion.

    Rebekah and Klaus were awesome, don´t know why but especially Klaus looked so attractive last night … probably because he acted like a real villain. Loved Rebekahs torture of Damon and how they used it for a purpose namely compelling him. And I was glad that Damon really suffered as much as I hate this torture porn I hate it even more if Damon acts so arrogant like nothing could hurt him.

    I won´t ever say anything against the Scooby Gang if they get things done like this, I had to laugh during their preparation in the woods because it looked so lame but when the business got real they all delivered. And MATT killed Finn … he is the first one besides Klaus who killed an Original for real.
    I saw it coming that Finn would die but when Matt ran into him I thought he would have missed. But no Mystic Grill CEO gets things done! Awesome job.

    Triangle stuff didn´t bother me at all, I really liked that scene between Stefan and Elena in the end … but I see we will be knocked on our head with ToD next episode … so this feeling could change very quick.

    That reveal with the bloodlines was discussed before I think and I posted a link in the speculation for this episode but I really liked the reveal and how it played out on screen. And I think it was crystal clear that the bloodlines would be important after Finn and Sage spoke about turning humans into vampires.
    But I thought it would take longer for the vampires who were turned later to die, like Troy was turned by Sage not too long ago so he should have stayed alive for longer. Like a hierarchy first dies Finn, then Sage, then the guy/girl she turned first and so on. So they could have made it seem like Troy gets away with it but then 2 years later he just dies.
    They probably did it for the reveal that everyone dies at the same time but it makes you wonder how the people around the world react if suddenly someone drops dead besides them. Lmao I would like to see the news for that.
    And do you think the same thing happened when Mikael died? Or did he even turn humans into vampires after what happened with his children? I don´t remember mentioning it.
    Wouldn´t it have been cool if Mikael sired Rose and therefore after Mikael dies everyone dies and only Elena/Matt/Bonnie would still stand and don´t know what happened. The second half of the season could have been about them figuring out what happened and Jeremy could contacted the ghosts of Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Tyler for some happy reunion in which they would tell them that they brought their death on themselves with waking up him. Lmao.

    Was surprised that especially Sage didn´t took vervain on a daily basis … this woman is a 900 years old vampire shouldn´t she be prepared especially if she knew that the Original siblings didn´t like her?
    Wanted her to mess things up a little longer but when she started coughing I knew it would be her end.

    Didn´t like that whole speech of Elena in her first scene with Caroline especially with her mentioning Abby. I know that was not what she wanted but it were your boys who killed her and then when she said “not after what happened to Bonnie´s mom” with her two murderers standing besides her. That was bad.
    I didn´t like Carolines comment about Bonnie not being there because of her mom bailing on her again and not that she probably simply didn´t want to work with the killers of her mom. Was a little bit confused about her reaction to what Alaric did but I appreciate that someone besides Bonnie considers the death of the innocent people and that they matter as much as if they were friends or family member of the group.
    Still can´t watch Matt Davis on the screen for too long.
    Didn´t expect that reveal with vampire hating Ernesto Riley hiding the stake. So could this be the reason for Bonnie and Alaric to interact now? Perhaps she has to go in his head like she did with Luka and figure out where the stake is hidden? Or is it like we mentioned the Alaric/Bonnie scenes got cut out?

    In regards to them now only wanting to kill every single Original besides the one who created the bloodline for Damon/Stefan/Caroline … that is pretty selfish (not that we didn´t know this before) so every single vampire they don´t even know and who could be so much better than them has to die but not them?
    I remember when the first time this whole deal about Esther linking them all together came up, the fandom went crazy that it is unfair for her to kill them all, especially after them being her children and that there also could be friendly ones and so on and I think they also mentioned that this could kill every single vampire on the planet and how awful and cruel this would be … but watch them now not even consider any of this, at least their favourite vampires stay alive.
    Didn´t even remember that Rose turned Katherine … I thought it was Trevor probably because I only remembered his love for her lmao. So they want Jeremy to contact her next episode? Didn´t he mention in Ghost World that this isn´t even possible because he has no connection to her (like he didn´t have to Lexi) or do they use Damon as a vessel to contact her, because she was connected to him?
    I´m confused about it.

    I´m scared for Tyler too but if they kill Klaus both of them would die and that would mean they need new love interests for Caroline. Unless they found a way to de-hybrid Tyler or they really consider entombing Klaus like I speculated so many times.

    • Did Caroline Dries really wrote this episode?

      I know, right? I was shocked when I remembered that she wrote this.

      You can´t even trust in the writers who almost every time fail you … now they deliver it but at the same time the writers you thought would do an awesome job make the worst out of an episode you hoped so much for. That´s so unfair.


      And then her break down the best scene for her this season so far.

      Yes it was!

      Klaus actually looked and acted like someone who was in charge last night. Like someone with power.

      And I was glad that Damon really suffered as much as I hate this torture porn I hate it even more if Damon acts so arrogant like nothing could hurt him.

      Me too, me too, me too!

      But no Mystic Grill CEO gets things done! Awesome job.

      Lol! Matt killed him? I thought it was Elena.

      Yeah, I liked the Stelena scene at the end too.

      They probably did it for the reveal that everyone dies at the same time but it makes you wonder how the people around the world react if suddenly someone drops dead besides them.

      I don’t think they’re concerned with things like that *____*. Just another example of how insulated things are on this show.

      Maybe they’ll bring up Mikael next episode. As well as all the vamps who presumably died when Finn did.

      Wouldn´t it have been cool if Mikael sired Rose and therefore after Mikael dies everyone dies and only Elena/Matt/Bonnie would still stand and don´t know what happened. The second half of the season could have been about them figuring out what happened and Jeremy could contacted the ghosts of Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Tyler for some happy reunion in which they would tell them that they brought their death on themselves with waking up him. Lmao.


      I’m not surprised Sage wasn’t taking vervain. She doesn’t seem to have enemies. And I’d hate for them to start having every vamp used to vervain just like apparently every vamp can walk during the day now.

      Didn´t expect that reveal with vampire hating Ernesto Riley hiding the stake.

      I didn’t expect that either. It was cool. And you’re right, this is a reason for Bonnie and Alaric to interact. JP said Jaime would see heroic Bonnie in action in episode 20, so we’ll see.

      I remember when the first time this whole deal about Esther linking them all together came up, the fandom went crazy that it is unfair for her to kill them all, especially after them being her children and that there also could be friendly ones and so on and I think they also mentioned that this could kill every single vampire on the planet and how awful and cruel this would be … but watch them now not even consider any of this, at least their favourite vampires stay alive.

      My favorite things about this when it comes to Fandom is the possibility/probability that they’ll take this whole “bloodlines” thing more seriously than they took it when it was Bonnie’s bloodline involved when Abby got killed.

      I´m confused about it.

      And so are the writers. Yeah, the excuse in 3.07 was that Jer had to be emotionally connected to the ghost. How did he figure that out? No idea. Also, Jeremy wasn’t acting like he got a “new power.” You’d think there’d be more fanfare over a human gaining supernatural powers, but nope! Maybe Jeremy still has the power because of Esther? Since she was the one who nudged the door to the other side open. But Bonnie closed it already, so…..I don’t get it. Plus, Rose moved on, so wtf?

  7. I read that the ratings dropped??
    ”The CW’s Vampire Diaries (2.4 million, 1.1) had a 15 percent drop”

    This was actually one of the top eps this season, the ratings seem to always be up and down this season. Also were are the people that were gloating about the ratings last week??

    • Lmao. I’m glad the ratings dropped. The episode was good, but it’s a diamond among a pile of crap. Not everyone will watch in hopes that we’ll get a good episode for every 4 bad ones. It doesn’t fix the problem with the whole season or the pattern they have with Bonnie’s character. Because them letting her react last night after the crap of 3.17 is still part of the pattern. Look at how she’s going to miss next episode. I’m glad people hated 3.17 and so didn’t tune in for 3.18. The writers need to remember that continuity is important when it comes to ratings.

    • Are these ratings for real? I only saw them on the TVD wikia page and there was no source for it.

      I would say that people were disappointed with last episode and that is why didn´t tune in to this one. And I could understand it, I was surprised that it was that this episode was so good.

  8. That’s a hopeful “no” on tyler’s mortality. But I am worried. And I shouldn’t be, because he’s already supposed to be dead to me.

    Damn your story telling abilities ATLA! *shakes fist*

  9. Just wanted to ask something, we know that Caroline now accepts that she did wrong by killing Carter at the carnival (and was he really that old to be a father?) and feels bad for it and so on and everyone is cheering for to be that awesome. Turn back time and look at episode three of season 2 and when Bonnie was skeptic because Caroline killed someone and that it is not right even if we didn´t know that guy and everyone called her a bitch in how awful she treated Caroline.
    Do I interpret too much into this or is the hypocrisy of the fandom showing again?

    • Well, this season seems to be pushing the idea that vampires are responsible for their actions. Fans used to excuse everything vampires did by saying that murder/rape is in a vampire’s nature. However, after seeing Sage teach Damon to rape, that excuse is falling apart. Caroline’s remorse might be a part of that or it might be a way to prop up Alaric (in the most emotionally shallow scene I have ever seen) and contrast her forgiving nature against Bonnie’s… unforgiving nature?

      Anyway, the show is painting Caroline as a very sympathetic figure and most of the fans are going along with that. I mean, look at all the sympathy Bonnie is getting now that the show allowed her a real reaction.

    • Nvmd. I am back to making excuses for everyone which is a mistake. Everyone is an asshole lbr. #teamBonnie. /hungover&sleepless

    • (and was he really that old to be a father?)

      I don’t think so. But he was Black, so….I really don’t know why they didn’t say he could’ve been someone’s son. Like, wtf? Especially since he flirted with Bonnie who is in high school. Why the eff would they have someone with a kid flirt with Bonnie? Stupidity.

      The hypocrisy of the fandom is showing again *_____*.

    • glad i’m not the only person who felt that carter seemed way too young to be a father. but i guess she was speaking hypothetically? idk my tvd standards are low enough to give her the benefit of the doubt.

      & the hypocrisy of the fandom is always showing lbr. everything bonnie does vs other characters doing the exact same thing seems to garner to extremely different reactions from a majority of fandom. like everything bonnie does is bad or just so much worse cuz she’s doing it while black. smh.

  10. i’m like you where i’m still in shock that this episode didn’t leave me contemplating why i even bother. like, i was actually excited & anxious & sitting on the edge of my seat. it was weird LOL!

    even tho fandom figured out the whole “if originals died then all vampire die” thing a looooong time ago, i like how they presented. then that cliffhanger with alaric/damon? it felt like the old days of decent pacing and well-placed plot twists.

    is it a coincidence that this all coincided with bonnie getting her well-deserved screentime? i think we all know that answer #bonniefans 😀

    & when i tell i cried with bonnie in the scene after she left the mikaelson’s residence, i mean i cried. like, kat g emotes so well everytime. i could feel that inner conflict she had. klaus put her in a really fucked up situation: working against her friends. i think when she tried to help damon it was less about damon & more about trying to redeem herself in her own eyes. she felt that she done something very terrible & she wanted to try to balance that by doing something good.

    but then klaus reminds her of what damon did. on one hand, that makes her feel like saving him to right her wrongs would be ridic because saving him in & of itself is a wrong. otoh, once she gets outside she’s back to feeling bad only now she feel worse. idk, i just wanted to reach through my screen & hug her so bad 😦

    anyhoo, this ep was such an improvement from the previous eps that i actually didn’t mind having matt d on my screen (much). i’m, dare i say, hopeful for the next ep. but this is tvd so my hopes aren’t that high.

    p.s. sage taught damon that rape is always an option & so is emotionally toying with “food”. then she took off & let his dick further teach him how to objectify women. then she showed up with some tried ass story about the love life between her & the only suicidal og vamp. then she got a 5 min revenge scene before she bit the dust. why do i feel like this was jp’s idea? rme so hard.

    • then that cliffhanger with alaric/damon? it felt like the old days of decent pacing and well-placed plot twists.

      Yeah. The best thing about it was that it was organic. It came out of something one of the characters is going through. It was something that made you go, “Ooooh shit, that’s right!” Not, “OMFG, THIS SHOW! OMFG OMFG!” which was the annoying thing about season 2.

      Lol. I for one am one predictable Bonnie fan.


  11. Just wanted to say that I finally know who that Troy guy was, you spoke about him in one of your podcast and thought that he looked like he could play a werewolf. Lol I think that was also my speculation.
    They should have stick with the name “Kenny” though, was much more fitting for his final demise.

    • I had to look him up to remember his face. I barely remember talking about him, lol. As a matter of fact, someone mentioned Sage and Troy in a comment, and I replied, “Did you just call Finn Troy?” Smh. That’s how much I paid attention to him on first watch, lol.

      • It was just like that hybrid dude who compelled Jamie lol. I don´t know what it was but I only remembered him after a rewatch of that last scene with his heart being ripped out by Elijah, I think it was the hair in the end that kept me from remembering him. And now I only remember him because you spoke about him like random hybrid dude, Paul Newmans grandson or something like this.

        Troy never stood a chance. He could have been amazing lmao

  12. I agree, this was one of the better S3 episodes. Although I have to say that I thought every other scene, “But why though?” Like, when the Salvatore/Alaric kept their preparations secret from Elena only to reveal their plans in the very next scene. Or when the Salvatores were adamant about needing Alaric for their upcoming fight against the Originals – and then Alaric wasn’t even part of their plan to kill Rebekah/Klaus/whoever they wanted to kill at first (but Matt was?!). Stuff like that.

    Some random moments I liked:
    – When Alaric went on about how he wanted to turn himself in and Damon went, “No, you don’t. If you did, you would do it and not talk about it.” (paraphrasing) Right on the money.
    – Caroline admitting she enjoyed killing Carter. I thought this was one of the best character moments for her in a while. (But I’m kind of torn about the Alaric/Caroline scene. I don’t like this instant forgiveness that is going on in TVD. It’s like the writers are busy downplaying all the conflicts. And conflincts are so much more interesting to watch.)
    – Ok, bear with me, lol. I actually liked Klaus’ eye roll when he was talking to Rebekah and telling her “It’s not like I have any expertise in the field.” It was so lame! And it was so Klaus! Lol, it was weirdly endearing. And it made me think that Klaus could have really worked in all his pathetic glory if the writers had gone differently about it, e.g. not made him a regular and not built him up as the absolute über-villain.

    • I guess they wanted to keep it secret that Ric was whittling because they knew she’d worry. Ugh.

      I liked what Damon said to Ric too. Ric needs to stop.

      The downplaying of the conflict just because Caroline enjoys killing is bs to me. Again, there’s an annoying lack of degree. Are these people real?

      – Ok, bear with me, lol. I actually liked Klaus’ eye roll when he was talking to Rebekah and telling her “It’s not like I have any expertise in the field.” It was so lame! And it was so Klaus! Lol, it was weirdly endearing.

      I loved it! I could watch that moment on a loop. Lol.

      • I don’t get it either. I thought the whole point of this very, very convoluted possession SL was to get rid of these rings, so I feel kind of betrayed now, lol. Well, maybe they’ll do something with it in the coming episodes, but Idk .. I’m sceptical.

        • Yeah, it seems to be back to business as usual. I’d think they’d realize (both the writers and the characters) that Ric (and Jeremy) can’t just be dying all over the place, so they’d have to make death matter again and introduce the idea of actual danger for these two characters. But I guess that’s too inconvenient *____*.

  13. Random thought – Anyone else remember the crappy drawing of a horse above Elena’s bed? Elena/Klaus is obviously endgame.

    Oh please please please tell me that this entire show is happening inside the crazed comatose mind of a teenage girl.

    • Probably the first 9 for me. I was looking forward to Stefan’s story before the season started. It seemed like his story would actually go somewhere in the first few eps. There were enough good bits there that I could at least fanwank a story out of it. Now he just annoys me all the time. I mean, I don’t even know his feelings toward Klaus at all. Which should be fucking complex, right? But when he’s around Klaus, he basically just looks like his normal constipated self. Poor PW. He’s a good actor but his material is moronic.

      I like the reaction they gave Bonnie in this ep. In fact, I cried for the very first time while watching this show. And while I found this ep boring/stupid (like all TVD eps these days), I thought it was a relatively competent ep. The writer (Caroline Dries??) at least understands cause/effect up to a point and explains plotlines. I also liked Our Town a lot. So I guess I am conflicted. Idk. You could count the number of decent eps this season with one hand and still have fingers left over. *shrug*

      I watched the last 3 eps with my fandom friend last night and the following is what she said about the state of the show right now.

      I’m confused about everyone’s purpose because the whole show seems aimless and weird. I guess I should just give up and see this as a modern take on “Passions”. It’s like Passions and Marvel Comics had a baby. And that baby became obsessed with Twilight

      So yeah…

      • I’m confused about everyone’s purpose because the whole show seems aimless and weird. I guess I should just give up and see this as a modern take on “Passions”. It’s like Passions and Marvel Comics had a baby. And that baby became obsessed with Twilight

        Lmao. But really, everyone’s so damn aimless. And I feel it’s all because Klaus.can’t.die.

    • I would honestly pick the first 9 eps of season 3. 10-18 have been so damn messy. Not to mention the Bonnie/Abby crap. Meredith, Alaric’s story, all of those Originals, Tyler and Jeremy’s absence, Bill, and just…no. Eps 10, 11, and 12 had a lot of good stuff for Elena (as well as 14), but I still prefer the first 9 eps. At least then I still had hopes! Lol.

    • Yeah, I agree with you. I’d choose the first 9 episodes too. (And in hindsight, I’ve come to appreciate the back half of S2. I’d never thought I’d say that.) Like you said, when these episodes aired, one could still hope that the writers would do something with regard to character arcs and storylines. Although I have to say that I had the most hope for the season after ep 10 and 11 aired. I feel like with these two episodes the show could have gone on an upswing. But then it didn’t and just got messier and messier.

      On a shallow note, I also feel like, on the whole, the first 9 episodes were more entertaining (not “The Hybrid” though – never “They Hybrid”, lol). I mean, they were also messy but I wasn’t bored like I was, for instance, when I was watching the episode with the Salvatore/Originals dinner.

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