
Extended Promo



More stills Thanks for the heads up, Kathrin!

We’ll learn how the rift between Damon and Stefan started I guess we’re going to ignore the part where we already know how the rift got started.

***Anyone see the latest tweet from JP in regards to Bonnie? Feel free to discuss it in this post. She says Bonnie has lots of stories coming up which sounds like such an overstatement. Lots of stories? In 5 episodes (because she’s missing 16 and, per JP’s rule thing, has one more to miss)? I’m already not  sure if this conflict will make it to season 4, but….Ugh. I don’t believe her. And I tweeted her about it.


105 thoughts on “1912

  1. Isn’t the extended promo an opportunity to show else some more of the episode, like what else is happening? I hate when the extended promo is basically the same as the short one.

    Anyway, I’m waiting to hear if Bonnie will be in the episode. Are these pacing geniuses really going to have her miss it? They probably see Damon and Stefan flipping a coin over her mother’s life as nothing special or out of the ordinary.

  2. Honestly I am not even that interested in the ep, it seems like it will mainly be about Damon and Sage and Im sure we will be seeing the originals pop up.
    Are the other cast members even going to show up? what else is going on in the ep? All the interviews only talk about the flashback.

    • Yeah, I’m not interested either. I feel the same way I felt back when they said they were going to explore the pov of Elena’s murderer (Klaus). Back then I rathered they explore Elena’s pov of losing her family. Except they jumped the timeline. And now I don’t want to see anything about Damon or Stefan. I want to see Bonnie.

      • If it’ll hurt Damon, Bonnie should burn Sage, if you know what I mean (and I don’t mean casting a privacy spell) 😛

        If Sage is still “alive” in the present day, that is. Google tells me there was a Sage in the books… who was an old dude? Naturally this Sage “is described as sexy and fearless, with a devilish smile.”

        I would like to make a request for a plain bookish vampire with a nervous smile? Just for something different. 😉

  3. UGH!!! Guys, the constant negativitity on this site is becoming sufficating. I know most of you (like myself) are huge Bonnie fans, and so naturally, you’re going to be upset when the writers don’t do her character justice. But it seems like instead of complaining about the handling of Bionnie’s character, you all decide to bash everyone else along with it. It seems like in order to prop up Bonnie, you have to bash other characters. Personally, I love most of the characters on this show. Yes, they get on my nerves sometimes, but it’s nowhere nearl as bad as you guys make it out to be. The comments on this site (which, don’t get me wrong, I completely respect) isolate potential listeners.

    If you were to visit other forums and sites, you’ll see that the Originals are actually ridiculously popular. And to be honest, I think the reason why a lot of Bonnie fans hate them is because they take screentime away from Bonnie’s story. Once again, I completely understand, but I’m able to find other aspects about the show to make up for that. I like the Originals, I loved Ripper Stefan, Caroline’s always awesome, and yes, I even like Klaus and Caroline together. Why? Because I’m trying to have an open mind about it. I find it strange that “Klonnie” shippers who claim to love Klaus, now all of a sudden hate him because he wants Caroline instead. A lot of Bonnie fans spend so much time obssessing about one character that it makes the entire show miserable for them. If you were to open your eyes and keep an open mind, you’ll find that the show still has many enjoyable aspects to it.

    Sorry for the rant. I still love you guys. But the constant negativity can drive potential listeners away. The constant hate for Klaus and Elijah who are, once again, really popular is just baffling to me. It doesn’t feel like a real site. It feels like a Bonnie/hate everyone else fan site. Th IMDb boards are friendlier than this site.

    • I’m not sure what to say. If you get this:

      I know most of you (like myself) are huge Bonnie fans, and so naturally, you’re going to be upset when the writers don’t do her character justice.

      Then I’m not sure what to say. I do visit other sites, so I know the Originals are popular. I don’t why, but they are. And the writers not doing Bonnie justice is constant, which of course means my problems with the show are constant (especially this season. I was fangirling in 2.18). Sometimes a show’s season is a mess.

      but I’m able to find other aspects about the show to make up for that. I like the Originals, I loved Ripper Stefan, Caroline’s always awesome, and yes, I even like Klaus and Caroline together. Why? Because I’m trying to have an open mind about it.

      And I’m not, able find other aspects to make up for Bonnie’s treatment that is. I mean from the way Stefan talked to her from ep 10 to 13 where Bonnie never said anything to he and his brother being willing to kill her and her mother. Klaroline, Klaus, Caroline, and whoever else don’t make up for that. The Originals’ presence is too widespread on the show. Instead of affecting every characters’ lives and how they see themselves, they’re an entity onto themselves. The Ripper Stefan story is/was badly told and right now it’s this myopic thing where all Stefan got out of it is that he hurt Elena.

      A lot of Bonnie fans spend so much time obsessing about one character that it makes the entire show miserable for them. If you were to open your eyes and keep an open mind, you’ll find that the show still has many enjoyable aspects to it.

      I’m a Bonnie fan though. She’s the reason I tuned in and she’s the reason I’m still watching. I give the show kudos for the other characters’ storylines when I think they do a good job (Stefan in 3.11), but…Bonnie’s story/shafting and what they do to her is what affects my enjoyment of the show. No amount of opening my mind will change that. And I don’t think people should have to open their minds in order to get over the problems of the show. It’s up to the writers to fix the problems. Opening up my mind is not going to make the problems with the writers’ handling of Bonnie’s character better, it’s just going to mean I’m good at pretending they don’t exist or are not a big deal. Unless I stop caring about her and find another favorite.

      I don’t hate Klaus or Elijah. Klaus is a ridiculous villain. Do you think he’s a good villain? I don’t. Elijah was a better villain in 3.15. Stefan was a better villain in 3.11. Katherine was a better villain in the first half of season 2. Those three are what I wanted Klaus to be and what the show wants me to think he is. But he’s lame. I probably wouldn’t have a problem with Klaus if everyone wasn’t supposed to fear him, if he wasn’t supposed to be threatening. As for Elijah, his return to the show, unfortunately, was just taking up space. His letter of woobiness at the end of the ep was also much.

      I hope you stay and remain a listener and reader, but if you feel the negativity is too much or it’s affecting your enjoyment of the show then that’s okay. I myself have stopped posting on certain forums because the attitude is too positive considering the problems I see on the show.

      • I understand that. I know being a fan of a character that doesn’t recieve the proper respect she deserves can be BEYOND frustrating. I still love you and your podcasts. YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU GIRL!!!

        My main concern is what if the Originals end up surviving the seaon finale? We tend to forget that new characters are always introduced on shows. That’s normal. TVD is still in it’s early stages. It’s not like the show has been going for 5 or 6 years and then all of a sudden the writers decide to bring in a horde of new characters. Shows in their early stages are still establishing themselves. And I think a lot of people fail to realize that maybe the writers aren’t planning to get rid of the Originals. Some people don’t like that guest stars or reoccurring characters are taking time away from the main cast. But for all we know, Klaus and Elijah could end up being permanent members of the show. Maybe thats why they’re getting so much attention from the writers. Maybe they’re trying to establish a backstory before they become regulars. And judging from what DG said about his filming schedule last week, that’s probably exactly what’s going to happen. Apparently, TVD and his new show shoot during two completely different parts of the year. So, it’s still possible for him to become a regular.

        Urgh! But I do agree that my girl Bonnie needs more love and respect from the writers. But then again, quite a few characters have been placed on the sidelines. Jeremy, Tyler, Alaric…*Sigh* I just wish this show was on HBO so that it could have a full hour to properly incorporate all of the characters…new and old.

        Sorry, I know I’m rambling!

        • Lol, thank you. I’m glad that’s still the case.

          I’m totally prepared for the Originals to survive the season. I mean they had two episodes to kill at least one (3.14 and 3.15) and they chose to kill Abby instead. I realized it in 3.14. JP and the other producers are invested in the Originals and they’re probably not going to go. That’s why I was agreeing with someone’s comment saying that they should really get rid of Klaus’ title of villain. They’re more interested in getting people to identify with him and in giving him a love life than they are in letting the characters succeed in killing him. That’s one thing they won’t commit to. So instead of wasting the characters’ and my time with this 1001 Ways For Klaus to Die, they should give the other characters something else to focus on. Something where the producers aren’t invested in them not succeeding.

          The thing is, and I’ve mentioned this before, Tyler/Alaric/Jeremy aren’t on the same status as Bonnie. Them getting sidelined doesn’t make Bonnie’s shafting any better. Like I said in another conversation, the following dialogue will never occur on the show: “Tyler/Jeremy/Alaric’s ancestor from 1000 years ago did such and such and so now they’re important to solving this problem.” No one’s going to go to these dudes to stop anything or to make anything happen. But they go to Bonnie, and that’s what makes her treatment so frustrating.

          Before Thursday’s episode started, someone on my tumblr dash had already viewed the episode and they were upset. Said they needed a break from the show. Now this person loves Elijah so I thought he would end up dying or daggered. I realized why they were upset once I watched the episode. It was Stefan and Damon’s callousness towards Bonnie and the Abby thing. So yeah, Elijah and company will most likely go in to season four. Ugh. Of all the characters that I liked that they could’ve made regulars (or kept alive).

  4. I finally watched the promo. Looks like Sage is Damon’s Lexi. I wonder why he needed one. I thought Katherine showed him the “fun” side of being a vampire. I don’t know how I feel about this. I liked the idea of him deliberately modeling himself after who he thought Katherine was as the years went by. Oh well. I’ve wanted a Damon centric flashback since the beginning of season 2. I will take what I can get *shrug*. Maybe it will work. I love the actress.

    • Yeah, I thought so too.

      I can’t believe they’re really going to say Damon didn’t start being the way he is until 1912. Really? They seem to be going with the continuity where Damon was this bleeding heart who was somehow in control even though he was a new vamp and didn’t want Stefan to kill.

      • From the promo, it looks like he was ok with murdering people so he wasn’t a bleeding heart. Even as a human, he was ok with murder. It seems like Sage taught him how to have more fun with it. Maybe he spent his first 49 years as a vampire moping in bars, reading romance novels, writing shitty poetry about Katherine and crying himself to sleep.

        That line about how women aren’t just for food but for pleasure? Yuck! Also, it will be funny as hell if it means that he kept himself celibate all that time out of loyalty for Katherine.

        Anyway, the only reason I am sort of looking forward to this is the actress. I didn’t watch Smallville much after they got rid of Lex because he was the primary reason I was watching that show. However, I did love what little I saw of Tess Mercer. Unfortunately, by that time, I had lost interest in the rest of the show so she wasn’t enough to pull me back but I am happy to see her pop up here.

        • *Sigh.* Yeah it seems that’s what they’re going to go with. And it might be fine. But I liked it when it seemed he was on his own and did his vampire thing by modeling himself after Katherine. But wait, why is he going to be mopey? He should know by then that Emily succeeded with the spell and he just needs to wait for the comet to free Katherine.

          I can’t imagine. But they’ll probably go with that. It’s after Sage that he starts sleeping with people, rme. Also with that line, I guess that’s where he got his penchent for putting women and girls under compulsion?

          • But wait, why is he going to be mopey?

            Because he still had to wait another 100 years to see her. Each day without Katherine felt like an eternity. She was the only one who truly understood him – Stefan and his dad were always so judgy 😥 She made him whole. There was no joy until he reunited with Katherine. That is why someone had to teach him how to be happy again.

            In my head, Damon is this pathetic. I actually would love a show with just Damon. It is Damon (and now Klaus) + everyone else that doesn’t work for me.

            • *____*.


              The fact that Sage is a girl might mean bad news. It probably means they’re going to kill her off or she’s already dead. I don’t know where I’m going with this, but how come these dudes don’t have guy friends? They didn’t even try to do anything with Klaus/Stefan.

              • I don’t know where I’m going with this, but how come these dudes don’t have guy friends? They didn’t even try to do anything with Klaus/Stefan.

                I am not sure but Damon does have Alaric now. Stefan doesn’t seem to be able to form a meaningful relationship with *anyone*. The only person he voluntarily formed a meaningful relationship with (other than Damon) is Elena – a Katherine double. He briefly connected with Bonnie and Caroline but that was because they are important to Elena. He wasn’t attached to Klaus and Rebekah. This reminds me of that Matt/Stefan convo from season one. IIRC, Stefan said that he normally doesn’t fit in anywhere. Then Matt said something like Stefan looks like someone who has everything so people who don’t, run away from him. Whatever that means. I guess that he is not open – that he seems self-contained? That he hides his vulnerabilities so it appears like he has none?

                Thinking of that convo reminded me that Elena once said that Kelly Donovan was Miranda’s bff growing up. So Kelly, Abby and Miranda used to all hang out together? Kelly and Abby would be interesting lol. I can’t imagine it

                • I like that Stefan can’t seem to connect with people. Not sure the show recognizes that though. They love Steroline.

                  Oh she said that? I forgot. Do the producers even remember?

        • Anyway, the only reason I am sort of looking forward to this is the actress.

          I agree. I haven’t seen the actress in anything before but I really like what I see of her in this promo.

  5. This is my wish for episode 17 because I feel like we’re not going to get Bonnie in 16. Have we ever had good Bonnie scenes in a flashback episode? Was she in Katerina? Anyways, I know I’ll most likely not get this but these are the kinds of thoughts that ebb my disappointment with the show in time for me to watch the next episode, thereby setting myself up for more disappointment. Lol:

    I would love it if we spent most of 17 (or all of the Bonnie scenes in episode 17) with Bonnie/Abby talking about her turning, Abby saying she already had one identity taken from her, and she saw it as a gift, a release, and she made the best of it, and she’s not sure she wants to make the best of this one. And she would tell Bonnie that witches have natures just as vampires and Werewolves do (something I’ve always wanted a witch to say on the show). It’s potent. It’s something they walk with. Even after her powers drifted away, she was still connected to nature. Now she has nothing. Now she’s the complete opposite to nature. Nothing about her is cyclical. And it would be beautiful and angsty and Bonnie would throw a fit in a scene with Caroline talking about how all her family does is die, that’s all they’re good for. And what do they leave behind? In the end what do they leave behind? Books. Words. That’s all their lives amount to. Books that serve as guides so the next Bennett witch can go die. Guides to the path to death for the next Bennett who’s stupid enough to get involved. And she’d throw Emily or Abby’s grimoire off the coffee table and onto the floor.

    And at the end of the episode, Abby would come into the kitchen and tell Bonnie she’d transitioned. She drank a bloodbag that Caroline had brought in the beginning of the episode. Bonnie is shocked because after she’d made Abby a ring in preparation for her transition, Abby had said she wasn’t sure she could go through with it. She doesn’t want to kill, doesn’t want to be a slave to her instincts. At first she was going to transition until she could make up her mind. And she said that she might choose to die after turning. Bonnie told her she can do it for her if she wants. Lots of silent tears. Abby looks at Bonnie and is relieved, saying she wanted to ask but she didn’t want to put her through that. Bonnie tells her that it’s okay. She wants to be the one to do it. So anyways, Abby comes into the kitchen.

    Bonnie’s shocked that she turned. Abby said that she’d been thinking of her life, her life as a witch, all that she’d accomplished, all that she’d also accomplished as a woman, and she realized that the only thing she knows about Bonnie are *lists things about infant Bonnie,* “And that you’re hurting. I see it in your eyes; I hear it in your voice; it’s in the way you carry yourself.” She says that she still has a chance to know Bonnie, and that’s the only reason she transitioned. She did it for Bonnie because she wants to know her favorite cereal, if she’s allergic to anything the way her (Abby’s) grandma was.

    So there’s this sense that Abby does not want to be a vamp, might choose to die eventually, but she won’t until she builds new memories with Bonnie. And this is for her as well as for Bon.

    And Bonnie will fret about what Abby will do once she leaves MF because she doesn’t have vamp friends, no one to watch over her. And Abby tells her she’ll be fine. She’s dreading killing, dreading the ugly, but she’ll go through it for Bonnie. Bon asks if she’s going to turn off her feelings, and Abby says no (because she needs to remember WHY she’s a monster. She needs to remember that it has a purpose, a personal purpose, but a purpose so that she doesn’t descend into debauchery).

    The End.

    I’d love it if the we saw Bonnie we focused more on her relationship with her mom instead of her anger at the gang. By that I mean, no interactions with the Trio. That can come in the next ep. And of course Abby wouldn’t leave at the end of 17 since we don’t know how long she’s here for.

  6. It’s hard out there in the TVD fandom being a Bonnie stan/fan we can’t have anything.


    Do you guys think this flashblack showing Damon’s friend in 1912 is due to the fact that his only friend in present time has been shot. They are showing the last time Damon trully had a friend.

    I think this episode will have flasbacks and than Alaric stuff as the only other thing going on.

  7. Say “meep” if you’re shocked that Bonnie’s not in this episode *____*. I also appreciate that the synopsis pretty much tells us who the murderer is. *Sigh.*

    • Hmmm. Is the killer a character we haven’t seen yet and therefore don’t give a fuck about? I trust the show to take the least interesting option. It is what they do.

      It looks like Caroline and Klaus aren’t in this ep. Phew! I might get a short break from Klaroline. Of course, I would have preferred Caroline and no Klaus but I will take what I can get. There is always a silver lining 😛

      Boo! @ no Bonnie

      • I’m pretty sure the killer is Sage. Thanks, CW! Smh. You know how it is with this show, if it’s similar then it’s exactly the same. I’ll be surprised if the murderer is not Sage since they hinted that she might also show up in the present, and I saw a flash of feminine hair in 3.14 when Elena and Matt were in the hospital. Hey, maybe that’s where Meredith usually gets her blood!

  8. I don´t know with this synopsis.
    Why is Matt there? Is he the killer in the end? Why should they go with Sage as a killer? Nobody would care about that …

    And why is Damon remembering Sage now? He knew of the last two attacks and he didn´t suspect anything now we see these flashbacks. I wanted to see Bonnie 😦 although I´m not surprised but why do I have to watch Rebekah searching for this landmark because we all know why (the dangerous and treacherous White Oak Tree).
    I like Matt but I don´t need him and I especially don´t need him to talk about Bonnie with Elena … he doesn´t know anything and in the end he will reassure her what an awesome friend she is.
    They try to create suspense about Alaric by not mentioning him in the synopsis … meh we already know that he will live.

    • I have no idea why Matt or Liz are there. You know Matt and Elena will end up doing more investigating than she will.

      I have no clue why Damon will start thinking of Sage. Maybe now that Elena’s safe for the time being he has time to think about other stuff.

      *Sigh.* Matt doesn’t belong in this scenario. Not to say that Elena shouldn’t confide in him, but it shouldn’t happen this soon. Bonnie should have been in the episode and during the times when she wanted privacy with Abby, Caroline would be investigating the murders with Elena and they’d talk about Bonnie. Matt will offer nothing interesting because he has not one iota of a clue about the dynamic between Bonnie and Elena. But Caroline does.

      • As if Liz wouldn´t look incompetent enough .. nobody cares when highschool students are brutally murdered but when two council members are killed everyone is on alarm.
        I don´t know who thought about this storyine but it is pretty random and it would be even more random if Sage is the killer.

        Are these flashbacks in MF? If so it wouldn´t be very smart of the Salvatores to return to MF that early because they left MF in the 1860ths until 1912 50 years have passed … there still could be people who knew them and there are probably pictures of them.
        And what is Stefan´s status at this time … didn´t Klaus say that Stefan killed every inhabitant in a town in the 1910ths? He said that in “As I lay Dying” to speak about his “Rippah-Past”.
        But you could be right about his reasons for the flashbacks …

        You´re right about that also because Caroline knows her mother and the sheriffs departement she would have been a better comrade in this.

        Btw this is the episode which is written by the new writer Emily spoke about, right?
        And thanks to the Co-writer JP (who knew what happened with Bonnie in the last episode) for letting Bonnie miss this one and making the focus of the episode the guys who killed her mother. My love for her has no bounds …
        Oh and there is still a tiny little possibility that Bonnie or at least Caroline is in this episode because in episode 12 Caroline (or Candice) wasn´t mentioned in the synopsis but showed up nevertheless.

        I think Liz will suspect Alaric because of the weapons they found and he misses most of the episode (because suspense HE COULD BE DEAD!!!) so she thinks that he flet or something like that and perhaps Meredith manipulates some evidences and that could be another reason why Elena tries to investigate.

        • I guess the Council chased her out of town in 1912?

          Of course the flashbacks are taking place in MF. MF is the center of everything. We see Samantha Gilbert, so it’s definitely Mystic Falls. Why it has a boxing ring, I don’t know but maybe that part of the flashback takes place in another city.

          You’re right, there could still be pictures of Stefan and Damon, especially since Zach was related to them. They had to have had family still in Mystic Falls.

          Klaus said that Stefan massacred a village in 1917 or 1918, I think. Olu remembers better than me. So is the Stefan in this flashback Lexi’s first result after torturing him in the late 1800s?

          Yeah, it’s this episode. There’s a possibility, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

          Oh, I didn’t even think that Meredith might be stashing Alaric somewhere. I didn’t even notice he wasn’t in the synopsis. Elena will probably realize he never came home. After all, they were set to turn Meredith in last episode or two episodes ago.

  9. A part of me thinks Ian might be wrong when he says we’re going to learn how the rift got started, except I don’t know how he could be wrong about something he’s already shot.

      • That´s a good word “redefined” … we should list everything that was redefined this season. Especially in regards to the Original family we could fill a book.

        Just a quick question Alta … I know I still haven´t commented on your last podcast (but I will) but could you say when or if you will do the podcast for episode 15 before the hiatus ends?
        Not only because I want to know your feelings about that episode now after three weeks but also because I would like to comment on (bitch about) the synopsis and the stills for episode 17 if you speak about it in the podcast. Thanks.

        • Lol @ episode 17. Smh.

          I’m definitely going to post the review before 3.16. This coming week is the week before Spring Break, so I have a paper to write, but I’m going to rewatch it on Tuesday/Wednesday, record it Sunday (because I’ll be traveling on Saturday) and post it either Sunday night or Monday morning. Long story short, it’ll be up by next Monday, lol.

  10. Here’s another spoiler for 3.16. It’s from an interview with one of the TVD editors.

    “The episode I’m working on right now, “1912,” is all about what it means to be alone and how that translates to different people. I mean, this is a universal theme that anybody at any age can deal with, [namely] being alone and what you have to do in order to avoid solidarity. Moreover, the episode is full of flashbacks — I’d say about 40% of the show takes place in 1912 — and is quite fun. All I can say is that it’s a very, very sexy episode.”
    Link: http://vampirediaries.alloyentertainment.com/exclusive-interview-with-vampire-diaries-tv-show-editor-nancy-forner/

    • Thanks for the article Emily, interesting read.

      I had to stop and laughed so hard after reading this:
      a sophisticated writing team with a flair for storytelling

      So this is the woman (probably with other Editors) who cut out the scene where Bonnie was screaming after the coffin was opened and who gave us 15 minutes transition+torture!Bill + crying Caroline but not enough Abby/Bonnie and wants to speak about the family theme. Thanks for that … do better next time.
      When was Stefan tempted in “Bringing out the Dead”? Can´t remember him having any reaction to blood in this episode or happened something while Klaus drained that blood girl? And again with the “drug” aspect. urgh.

      I think it is a pretty hard job to decide from 30 hours film material what is worth and to cut it down to a episode of 40 minutes but I´m still not impressed with what they have done so far … especially with episode 13 and 15.

      In regards to the episode being ver very sexy could this mean that Damon and Sage perhaps really had a sexual rl together? But it could also mean that we see many naked shots of the Salvatores … or what I hope Cassidy is doing an awesome job as Sage.
      And it seems like it is really centered around Damon and his feeling of being alone after Katherine is still in the tomb (in his belief) but it looked like he was with Stefan all the time at that time … at least according to the stills. I don´t know the episode is probably to deep for me especially after I don´t want to understand the two men who killed Abby without a blink.

      • Yeah, Stefan looked put out when Klaus was draining that girl.

        I don´t know the episode is probably to deep for me especially after I don´t want to understand the two men who killed Abby without a blink.


        If Damon still believes Katherine is in the tomb, then it’ll be a continuity error. What, did Emily possess someone after she died to let him know she’d succeeded with the spell? Please.

      • Bitte sehr. 🙂 And yes, I thought that this interview was interesting too. In general, I find interviews about the creation process of a TV show very, very interesting. Btw, there was also a recent interview with JP (and several other showrunners) about TV writing. If you might want to check it out, I posted a link to it in the thread for the podcast about 3.14.

        I had to take a deep breath when she said that the show teaches young people “a lot of very valuable things”.

        When was Stefan tempted in “Bringing out the Dead”? Can´t remember him having any reaction to blood in this episode or happened something while Klaus drained that blood girl? And again with the “drug” aspect. urgh.

        IKR? That part is so weird. I don’t understand what she is referring to. Nothing happened when Klaus drained that poor girl. I don’t get it. With regard to the drug/addiction angle, I used to be ok with it (pre-S2). I think it could’ve been handled in an interesting way, a way that wasn’t about erasing Stefan’s responsibility for his actions. But I guess that’s what it is now. And it is so incredibly sloppily written…

        In regards to the episode being ver very sexy could this mean that Damon and Sage perhaps really had a sexual rl together?

        Probably. Plus I can’t help side-eyeing this part of the description of 3.16, since it looks like a good part of the ep will be about how Damon started to abuse women (“a woman isn’t just for food, she’s also for pleasure”)…

        • Dankeschön! Also for the link to the panel. I listened to it too and I have to say I´m a fan of the creator of Breaking Bad after this.
          And Julie Plec should really listen to what Jeff Greenstein said after she answered her question. Something like that it never calms the fans down if you answer them. Was this panel recorded before or after Episode 14 aired?
          After what JP said I think the fandom is pretty gross … but we already knew what they are capable of when it comes to Kat/Bonnie.
          Do you think other actors/actresses or writers get such kind of tweets?
          I would go off the internet immediately. That´s not funny at all.

          I agree with you the process is also something I want to know more about, we always get to see the finished product but it is very interesting to learn more about the work to this product and the people who are doing this.

          I had to take a deep breath when she said that the show teaches young people “a lot of very valuable things”.

          Really? I must have skipped that part. *rolleyes on repeat*
          The one thing I couldn´t believe that she prefered TVD to Buffy because of the more interesting and complicated story. Smh.

          With regard to the drug/addiction angle, I used to be ok with it (pre-S2). I think it could’ve been handled in an interesting way, a way that wasn’t about erasing Stefan’s responsibility for his actions. But I guess that’s what it is now. And it is so incredibly sloppily written

          Right, during the bloodarc in season 1 I got that feeling too. But then The Dinner Party happened and Ghost World … and now I don´t even know anymore what the character Stefan Salvatore is.
          I saw many Damon fans being outraged about him having no story outside of Elena this year (but he also his this epic love story with his brother) … but the same went for Stefan last year and I think Damon got it better last season and this season than Stefan will probably ever will. And at the same time I think Damon is the brother with the most screentime. Even this season, but I could be wrong.

          Probably. Plus I can’t help side-eyeing this part of the description of 3.16, since it looks like a good part of the ep will be about how Damon started to abuse women (“a woman isn’t just for food, she’s also for pleasure”)…

          I hated that line and I saw someone commenting on it like “At first I was afraid she would lecture him about this and that women are not objects but than she said also for pleasure – now I think she is an interesting character” … I couldn´t believe it.
          We saw the Salvatores treating Elena and other women like an object for the whole season and even before … and nobody called them out on this, because most of the time they were by themselves. And I see everywhere posts like Elena has to apologize to Damon or Stefan blablabla … and now we have a woman brought on this show who probably taught Damon his gross behaviour that we saw until now.
          I´m disgusted to be honest. But that´s no surprise with this show anymore.

          • Do you think other actors/actresses or writers get such kind of tweets?

            A huge part of me really doesn’t think so. I think the people who get the worst of it are JP and KG. When Elena hurts Damon, people seem content on bashing the character. I’m sure Nina gets hate, but I feel, oddly enough since she’s a main, that it’s less intense than KG and JP get.

            I definitely think Damon gets more screen time than Stefan. Also, Damon’s story is so not about Elena the way Stefan’s was last year. Last year, Stefan and Elena had this symbiotic, if you breathe I breathe too, thing going on, but Damon is still autonomous even when he spends most of his time with Elena.

          • Yes, I liked the creator of Breaking bad too.
            To be fair, JP was reasonable about fan reaction on twitter. It’s just that I’m not sure if twitter is a good tool for instant market research. I’m afraid it gives a very distorted view of the response of the audience. But Idk. I can def see why it is very appealing to use twitter this way.
            The panel was recorded before Ep 14 aired.

            Oh, this thing about TVD teaching people a lot of valuable things wasn’t something JP said. The editor said it in her interview. I don’t know what she is referring to. And I don’t mean this as a slight against the show. I’m perfectly OK with the show not teaching any valuable life lessons. I actually like that about the show.

            Yes, Damon def had it better last season and still has it better this season. I feel like Damon gets the most consistent writing on the show. I mean, the writers screw him over too. But I think Damon is the only character on the show whose perspective is always shown. It’s always shown where he’s at emotionally and mentally. Nobody else gets this.
            When it comes to Stefan, I often feel like the writers don’t really see him as an individual character*, just as the main love interest and the ‘good guy’ to Damon’s ‘bad guy’, and that no matter what they write.
            (*I get the feeling that this also goes for a lot of the secondary regs – for instance, Tyler. I think with Stefan it is more noticeable since he is one of the big Three who are in all of the eps.)

            I’m torn when it comes to the show shedding light on Damon’s history of abusing women. On the one hand, it could be a good thing that the show explicitly addresses this very problematic aspect. On the other hand, it’s not like the show has a great track record when it comes to dealing with this aspect. Just think of the Andie Starr SL /shudders. And the description of 1912 as a “very, very sexy episode” makes me suspicious. There’s a good chance that the ep might end up making matters only worse.

            • But I think Damon is the only character on the show whose perspective is always shown. It’s always shown where he’s at emotionally and mentally. Nobody else gets this.

              That’s very true. You can always count on Damon’s perspective being shown, for good or for ill.

            • To be fair, JP was reasonable about fan reaction on twitter. It’s just that I’m not sure if twitter is a good tool for instant market research. I’m afraid it gives a very distorted view of the response of the audience. But Idk. I can def see why it is very appealing to use twitter this way.
              The panel was recorded before Ep 14 aired.

              I agree it is probably appealing because you can see an instant reaction of the viewership (trends, etc.) but I spoke with someone and she said that “it is a general thinking for tv show executives to avoid the online fans. […] Online fans only make up a small percentage of the fan total.” I really don´t know about that and I don´t have any statistics about it but I would think that is pretty reasonable.
              I checked it by myself but thanks.

              Oh, this thing about TVD teaching people a lot of valuable things wasn’t something JP said. The editor said it in her interview. I don’t know what she is referring to. And I don’t mean this as a slight against the show. I’m perfectly OK with the show not teaching any valuable life lessons. I actually like that about the show.

              I saw it in the aritcle, must have skipped it the first time. I didn´t thought JP said that and I agree.
              I joked with someone about the valuable things we learned while watching TVD 😀

              And I noticed that too about Stefan but also Tyler but thanks for pointing it out.
              I think Stefan could be a such interesting character probably more interessting than Damon ever could but the writers don´t let him … I thought we could see something with this season, but it´s been a hot mess.
              I don´t know but what will they do with him if/when Delena really happens. He has no contacts to anyone in this group outside the triangle. The Stefan/Caroline friendship was droppped, I don´t even want to talk about Bonnie and he has no interactions with the guys. What will happen with him or what are the writers planning for him?

              There’s a good chance that the ep might end up making matters only worse.

              I have a feeling that´s what will happen. But we still can hope.

              • She did mention that Tweeter only represents a microcosm of fan thinking, which I’m glad she realized.

                Maybe they’ll finally explore the Matt/Stefan friendship from the books. You know, the promise they made about season 2.

    • Editing sounds like a lot of fun. But I’m lol’ing at her saying she prefers TVD to Buffy because it’s “far more complicated.”

      1912 is all about what it means to be alone and how that translates to different people? *Sigh.* I side-eye this the same way I side-eyed JP’s interview about how it would be a big deal that Elena’s becoming dark and embracing her darkness. Namely, we’ve seen this play out with other characters. Specific to the theme of being alone, this is applied to all of the characters including Damon/Stefan/Elena (who are the “different people” they’ll be translating it to, lbr), so I kind of think it’s a mistake to dedicate A Very Special episode to it as if it’s not something that’s been playing out all along. I mean, Klaus anybody?

      • this is applied to all of the characters including Damon/Stefan/Elena (who are the “different people” they’ll be translating it to, lbr)

        Yes! Btw, I saw someone pointing out that only 4 out of the 10 regs are in 1912. Just the Trio and Matt. That’s so weird to me. I mean, that’s less then half of the reg cast. I wonder if that has happened before.

        This part, “what you have to do in order to avoid solidarity”, sounds potentially interesting to me. Although I guess that it’s most likely just about Damon going off the rails in 1912 and Stefan brooding in the present. But we’ll see.

  11. You know she won’t tweet you back, Alta. I’ve only seen her respond to angry/rude Bonnie related tweets.

    I’ve listened to the Nerdist podcast. What I got from that is the show is never going to get better. I mean think of the “formula” comment alone. How can you work on the same thing over 50 times and not have some sort of outline/formula – some sort of structure worked out?

    • You know she won’t tweet you back, Alta. I’ve only seen her respond to angry/rude Bonnie related tweets.

      Right what´s up with that? Until now I only saw her responding to two Bonnie fans and it was always an answer to a frustrated tweet of them. Or you could see that she was bothered by it because she gave a snippy answer.

      But I can´t even see what the person tweeted her, it is blocked. How can JP read it when she doesn´t follow this person … but what am I talking about I don´t even know how twitter really works. Lol.

      And I don´t believe her … because I´m still recovering from the massive amount of screentime she got being in the center of the Originals story and breaking up the bromance of Stefan and Klaus.
      She probably thinks we are dumb or idiots.

      • But I can´t even see what the person tweeted her, it is blocked.

        The person who tweeted JP posted her question in the Bonnie thread of the vampire-diaries.net forum. If what she posted is true, the question seems pretty harmless to me. Especially when you compare it to the kind of tweets JP has responded to from Delena fans. Maybe the term “token black” irked her. But WHATEVER. Is she seriously of the opinion that this phenomenon does not exist? Anyway, there is no way to know for certain one way or the other.

        Honestly, it is not just about Bonnie for me anymore. That podcast confirmed some of my worst suspicions about JP. It is not about believing or not believing. JP herself has no clue what is coming next until she is actually writing it apparently.

        • Thanks Susan for pointing it out!

          She was probably bothered by the term (if the person didn´t tweet her other things) … because the second part is true. I saw at least three interviews of her after episode 15 aired and she talked about every single character even Jeremy but no mention of Bonnie even after she lost her mother in that episode. And that interview must have happened after episode 15 because they spoke about the cliffhanger for Alaric.
          No mention about the friendship between Bonnie/Elena or the upcoming scenes between Caroline/Bonnie … only Stelena, Delena and the Triangle of Doom 2.0 Klaus/Caroline/Tyler and probably a big fight coming up.

          Honestly, it is not just about Bonnie for me anymore. That podcast confirmed some of my worst suspicions about JP. It is not about believing or not believing. JP herself has no clue what is coming next until she is actually writing it apparently.


      • She probably thinks we are dumb or idiots.

        That’s what I’m wondering. She keeps promising us stuff. Is she under the impression that we’ve hung on to her other promises and that we believe they’ve panned out even a little?

    • How can you work on the same thing over 50 times and not have some sort of outline/formula – some sort of structure worked out?

      So true. And the thing is this show does have a formula. Why else would it be so predictable?

  12. Ok in regards to the plenty of story that is coming up for Bonnie:

    POSSIBLE SPOILER please don´t read if you do not want

    I don´t think we will see much of her mom at least not anymore in episode 20, because first of all I don´t think Persia is still shooting and then someone pointed out to me in the vid from the Eyecon panel Kat said (after the question “How she feels about Bonnie finally getting a mom”) something about Persia that made me thinking that she isn´t on set anymore.
    Because Kat said first that Persia and her “got” along but immediately corrected herself and used “get” along … it could be a blooper but combined with Persia not tweeting anymore about shooting I get the feeling she is gone but who knows.
    The question is how will Abby leave the show?

    Here is the vid btw:

    The question is @ 4:25 min there is also a second part of the panel if you are interested it is on the channel of the person who posted the first part … there she speaks about what she thinks her dad is doing and talks about the pool scene with Zach in “The Reckoning” which I think is pretty interesting.

    • I had a feeling Abby would be gone by at least episode 18. Like you said, how she goes is all that’s left to figure out.

      Kat is so beautiful! She’s so cute. I laughed at her floating up when she was trying to get at Zach.

  13. The girl who tweeted JP has made her Twitter account public. What do you guys think of her tweets? Do you think they were insulting?

    • Ah, so I finally see the tweet about Bonnie being a token. Lol. I wonder why JP rushed to respond to it. I know that’s not the only tweet she’s seen, even in recent days, complaining about how Bonnie is written and the limited attention paid to her.

      As for whether or not her tweets were insulting. Eh. They were blunt and assuming, but I didn’t see her calling her names. I get the frustration. The times I’ve tweeted JP I’ve had to just sit, sometimes for a while, and think about how I can word it in a polite way. Not that she answers. I’ve seen worse. Some Bonnie fans are now calling her names of the pork variety which is incredibly ridiculous and counterproductive and unnecessary.

  14. Lol. JP answered another Bonnie question on Twitter. It is a MIRACLE. Or….is it the END OF TIMES?

    Bonnie is “invited” to the next dance

  15. Did you know that Kat was added to the panel on Paleyfest this saturday? Nina, Ian, Paul, Candice, Matt and Julie are also attending.

    I hope we get some information about the “plenty of story” for Bonnie and I want to know what Nina is thinking about Bonnie/Elena´s friendship. We only get to see Kat answering questions about it, I want to see how Nina sees it.
    Hopefully the audience will be more creative than it was during Comic Con last year.

    • That’s good news! I hope they get asked relevant questions too, and even if they don’t, that JP will volunteer some information about Bonnie’s “stories” that are coming up.

      I noticed that about Nina in season two. First of all, it seems like she never gets interviewed but when she does, she’s never asked about her friendships. It’d be interesting to hear what she has to say. I remember she was there, and quiet, back when Ian said Elena is a bad friend. Poor woman probably has to toe the party line more than any of the other actors considering the level of ridiculous the writing tends to reach for when it comes to her character.

      Do you know what time Paleyfest is?

      • I really hope so too in regards to Bonnie.

        I remember that it was before the season one final. Until now I haven´t seen her talk about the friendships that´s right. Only in interviews with Kat or Candice. Hopefully we get to see something, there are also some interviews after that (or I think so) because I saw someone on the Kat board mentioning that they take questions on twitter for the Paleyfest.

        I don´t know with the timezones but here is the link with more information:

          • You´re welcome Alta!

            I don´t know if you saw this but you can submit questions for the Paleryfest if you follow the link I gave you and I read through the questions … and they are mostly DE-centric and many about the Stefan/Caroline rl. So I thought that it would be cool if we sent some Kat/Bonnie-centric questions, perhaps you could inform your other fandom friends about it … because I think if we sent more questions for Bonnie in they have to answer at least some … so I thought of some questions and it would be cool if you could give me your opinion about it or if you could add some, so I could submit them too:

            For Julie Plec:
            – Why did you decide to exclude Bonnie from an episode in which it was revealed that her ancestors preserved the body of the woman who created vampires?
            – After what happened with her mother how will Bonnie interact with the Salvatores? They were her allies since the first half of season 2 and now they betrayed her.
            – When will we see Bonnie´s dad and her house? We know that her dad didn´t speak about her mom after she left, can we expect some scenes between her parents in the future?
            – Why did the witches abandon Bonnie after she saved Jeremy´s life but the supported Esther for 1000 years after she created the abomination of nature? Why didn´t the spirits protected Abby and Bonnie when the Salvatores planned to kill them and succeeded on Abby´s part?
            – What happened after the Salvatores killed Abby? Did they leave immediately the house and Bonnie had to find her dead mother on the floor? How did she get Abby out of the house? Why didn´t we see this?
            – Why did you decide to repeat the storyline of turning the parent of one of our regular characters after only three days in the Mystic Falls timeline? And why didn´t you gave it the same amount of screentime – We saw Caroline finding Bill – we didn´t get that for Bonnie, we saw Bill waking up and deciding not to turn – we didn´t see this for Bonnie and Abby
            -In season 2 we learned that Klaus had a circle of witches around him. Why did that change in season 3 and why didn´t he try to lure Bonnie on his side? He didn´t even interact with her after he knew that the Salvatores had his coffin and he also knew that only the witches could open it? Why did he decided to host a dinner for the brothers instead of searching for the witches?

            For Nina Dobrev:
            – How do you expect the friendship between Elena and Bonnie resolve after what happened with her mom? Will Elena question the relationship she has with both brothers and what this caused her friends?
            – Why do you think Elena changed her mind about killing Elijah after the ball and endangered with this Bonnie and Abby because they were now involved in the ritual but it was Elena´s and Esther´s plan in the first place?
            – What do you think about the decision to compel Jeremy again and taking away his choice again after what happened in season 1?

            For Paul Wesley:
            – What do you think about the storyline for Stefan this season? Do you wish you could change something about it?
            – How will Stefan interact with Bonnie after he plotted together with Damon to kill her? What do you thought after you read the script that they would decide over the life of two woman with a Flip of a Coin? Didn´t that show how awful both of them really are?

            For Kat Graham:
            – How do you think/want Bonnie to interact with the Salvatores after what happened in episode 15?
            – How will your relationship with your mother evolve after/if she turns?
            – What will happen with Bonnie and Elena when they meet again? Do you think there will be some changes in their friendship?
            – Do you think Bonnie could ever consider dating a vampire?
            – Would you wish for your character to go down the dark path and if so what would be your dream scenario?

            For Matt Davis:
            – Alaric knows that his ring is not working properly, why isn´t he asking Bonnie about it, her ancestor spelled the ring, so she should know how to help?
            – Why didn´t we get more scenes between Jeremy and Alaric, after what happened in the second season final it would have been great if he supported Jeremy more.

            For Candice Accola:
            – What do you think will happen between Tyler and Caroline after he returns from his mission to break the sire bond?
            – How would you describe the difference between Caroline´s friendship with Bonnie and with Elena?
            – Caroline said that Bonnie is her best friend in season 1, do you think that´s still the case?

            I didn´t know any question for Ian.

            • Never mind I did sent some of them in but changed also a few of them. They probably won´t get answered anyway. Lol

              Just wanted to inform you about being able to submit questions.

              • Hi! I was away from the computer all day and so couldn’t come to the site until now (past midnight on Saturday). I like a lot of your questions! I really hope we get good things from this.

                • Hopefully you had a nice day without internet and computer.
                  I hope so too.

                  I even included a question for Matt Davis like how much vampires Alaric has killed in his career as a vampire hunter … and it is quite possible that they could ask him this because I don´t see many questions for Matt on the site!

    • Why is every uncle Salvatore called “Zach” or did I hear wrong?

      it’s a 50/50 chance he might not know Emily succeeded with the spell.

      That´s also what I´m thinking … they are probably going to retcon it.

      • I was wondering that too. Yay for continuity, but I’m wondering why we now have two Zachs and in fact if this one was even really related to them.

        Ugh. Who cares about Emily’s story, right? She’s only a Bennett.

    • Thanks for the link Emily!

      I don´t know why but I thought we would see more about Bonnie/Elena and if they even mention their conflict but I read somewhere that Elena will have some meaningful scenes with the brothers and she speaks about her feelings for them with Matt.
      So no one will even talk about what happened to Bonnie/Abby?

      As always, everything is connected.

      Of course it has to be.
      I think she is the first vampire that was turned by the Originals and that is why knows so much about them.

      So the serial killer is going to be revealed in this episode … I will lol so hard if Elena and Matt are the ones who will find it out. I can´t believe this.

      Btw did anyone see the Paleyfest panel? If so what did you think … I don´t know but Kat looked really sad and when they asked her the question about her friendship with Elena I thought she almost cried. Is it because she is so invested in her character or did I miss something?
      The panel wasn´t that interesting and the moderator was such a fail,
      Ian really tries to be funny so hard …. sometimes he succeeds but most of the time he fails miserably.

        • Do you think they will really talk about it or do you think they will only mention that they are away and dealing with stuff?

          We’ll get a throw away line, lbr.

          From that article:

          The Mystic Falls serial killer is revealed! Yes, the murderin’ fiend going after members of the council has a connection to the flashbacks in 1912. We repeat: One of our favorite twists on the show ever. It’s that good.
          Mehr lesen: http://de.eonline.com/news/watch_with_kristin/vampire_diaries_five_things_expect_from/300249#ixzz1opFL57LT

          Hmm. That’s a lot of praise.

          • Urgh how much I hate this show

            Either the killer is Sage … which for sure wouldn´t be a favourite twist or it is Stefan … which I wouldn´t get tbh or there is a serial killer gene running through one of the familys of MF and every generation there is a new born Council members murderer, perhaps the Gilberts.
            Or the ghost of an innocent victim of the council possesses someone and kills them.
            These are my guesses, I just want to know who the killer is and then wait for episode 17 to air.

            Does somebody know someone who has already seen the episode? Would be cool if someone could send my this information so I could live a more informed life lmao.

      • I don´t know why but I thought we would see more about Bonnie/Elena and if they even mention their conflict but I read somewhere that Elena will have some meaningful scenes with the brothers and she speaks about her feelings for them with Matt.

        Smh at the show’s priorities.

        think she is the first vampire that was turned by the Originals and that is why knows so much about them.

        That’s what I was thinking too. She was probably turned in the year 1000 and witnessed the burning of the first tree or sth like that. And maybe there’ll also be some kind of love connection because what show are we watching.

        Btw did anyone see the Paleyfest panel?

        I just watched it. It wasn’t very insightful but I loved all the shade Ian was throwing. He was on a roll.

        • That’s what I was thinking too. She was probably turned in the year 1000 and witnessed the burning of the first tree or sth like that. And maybe there’ll also be some kind of love connection because what show are we watching.

          Perhaps she was Klaus first kill? The one that triggered his werewolf side/curse?
          I could also see the romantic rl because you are right, we are watching TVD. Lol.

          I just watched it. It wasn’t very insightful but I loved all the shade Ian was throwing. He was on a roll.

          But was he really shading? He looked like his usual self talking and talking and in the end didn´t even know what he was talking about.
          I saw the frustration of the whole cast with the sls at the moment, but I don´t think Ian was deliberately shading … but you could be right and I just have to watch more Ian interviews but I thought he was the same during Comic Con last year.

          Also the mod was the same from Comic Con too.

          • I watched parts of the paleyfest and I agree with you. IS always comes off a little…confused?? Like he is a 80 yr old grandpa in a 30 yr old’s body? He is a sexy lovable dolt who wants to save the world! I am in love with him Or he was drunk as per the tumblrverse universe. Either way, it was the only thing I enjoyed about that panel.

            • Like he is a 80 yr old grandpa in a 30 yr old’s body?

              Lmao, that´s the perfect description. At least he still knows how to recycle ad how he can stop the greenhouse effect.

              You are right he was the only enjoyable thing but that was probably because he was the one who always talked. The others seemed either bored or like they didn´t belong here … everyone tried to say something from time to time but it never came through.
              I think I heard Kat at least three times in the background but the camera wasn´t on her and in the end I saw Ian babbling again. I didn´t think he was drunk but that was everyone talking about so *shrug*

              And aslo what was this moderator? The first question to Kat about if she can forgive Elena … shouldn´t she talk with her about what happened to her mother first … and then I was so naive that I thought the mod would also ask Nina about the friendship between Elena/Bonnie but no. Ridiculous. And JP talking about the Salvatores like they were heroes … and this after what they did with Abby last episode. I can´t with this woman.

              • I watched it I thought it was a hot mess. So naturally I enjoyed it. For me it was never going to be insightful. I’m at the point now where there’s nothing Julie or anyone can say about Bonnie they can only show I want to see it.

                Julie talked a lot she is a Salvatore fangirl not just Damon. Her process for going about each episode depressed me.

                The moderater might as well have not been there they should have let Ian do that.

                Ian was the biggest hot mess of them all so I really enjoyed that. Secret I usually don’t like Ian at all. He just talked so much I wanted him to shut up but keep talking.

                I think everyone is just ready to be done with this season they only have 2 more episodes to film and it seems like it.

                There was just a lot of awkward silence. The audience didn’t know when to clap even that was awkward.

                All in all is was a mess just like the show is right now but at least I was entertained.

                And Kat looked amazing her face is just to much I hate her.

    • Ugh. I’m so not interested in yet another connection. It’s not necessary and it’s such lazy writing to keep from really establishing Sage as a character. When “connections” is the go-to link for every single new character, then it becomes a crutch.

      As for Matt asking Elena what Stefan has that he didn’t. Like, really? How can he ask that without even a hint of snark? It’d be better if there was snark but there won’t be.

  16. And I found another article. It’s an interview with JP and it’s more about the rest of the season in general. But I thought this question might interest you, since it’s the closest one we got in regard to how Elena will be dealing with the events of 3.15:

    Elena’s friends have made it clear that other people end up suffering so that she can be saved. Will that weigh on her heavily when the show returns?
    Plec: Yeah, the biggest burden that Elena has to bear, frankly, is that she herself is an incredibly selfless person. She very much wants to take care of and protect the people that she loves, and yet, because ultimately she loves so deeply and so thoroughly, she has created a circle of friends who love that deeply right in return and are, in their own way, selfless and willing to sacrifice themselves for her. It’s a little battle of, “Hey, wait a second! I was willing to jump off a cliff.” “No, I was!” It all comes down to one of the big central themes in this show, which is loyalty and love and the friendship and bonds of family, and what you’re willing to do for the people that are important to you. In a situation like this, with these kids in Mystic Falls where the stakes are high every day, there’s a lot of ways that can go. Lately, it seems like it’s been going in the disfavor of Elena’s friends and she’s going to have to deal with that.


    • Thanks for that and like her answer in regards to Abby in that same article I think it is pretty insightful but I have the feeling that we won´t get enough of that on screen.
      I just can´t trust her anymore and like we saw last episode Elena choose Elijah over her best friend even if it was for sure not her intention to hurt her or her family but that still bothers me so much.

      Btw did you see the video interview with JP from TVfanatic? She explains her reasoning for being worldwide trend last week .. and I have a feeling with “certain secs of the fandom” she meant the “harrassing” Bonnie fans who wanted to know more about her sl and why she is treated so poorly.
      I thought she trended because of all that DE spoiler talk lmao.

    • Thanks, Kathrin! Stefan is soooo disturbing. How can the producers not realize there’s more to gain by exploring how messed up he is?

      I’m curious as to why and how Damon, Sage, and Rebekah end up on the same bed.

      Other than that, this trailer was typical CW.

    • Oh God! I wish that Sage (or a version of her – like when she is in bed with Rebekah) is a figment of Damon’s imagination or something only he can see kinda like Baltar and Head!Six on BSG. I just want Damon to be crazier and Stefan’s evilness to be dealt with better. Wishing for impossible things is my specialty

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